Chapter 24

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"This is going to backfire on us, Elise." Bart states.

"If it makes you feel better, Bart, you can sit this one out." I say, fixing the mirror.

"Oh hell no, knowing you, you'll probably hurt yourself."

"You have no faith in me?" I say, cocking my eyebrow at him.

"No, it's just that-"

"Its just?"

"You're my best friend and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Friends." I mutter, moving on to the next mirror.


"Oh nothing," I say shrugging my shoulders. Man I wish I still had my magic.

It took three hours to finish all the mirrors. I hope Tony knows he's not getting any of these back.
By the end of this everything could be destroyed.


Okay, I know this chapter is short. And long overdue. But I updated.

Also, I think the next chapter will be in zatanna pov. Also I think I spelt her name wrong.

Stay traught~Tumblr girl

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