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[Occasionally I'll get really worked up over nothing and write something to sort of cleanse my head, this is one of those somethings so feel free to skip ahead past this one if you wish]

We love each other's accents just waiting for an accident
She said 'ADIDAS' and I said I love her acronyms
Slide in the DMs with words that touch you from both ends
Level 5 when I bend her those dimples game enders you are what you eat I love her chicken tenders
Silver-tongue fox been messing up with the pen
I don't give a fuck I ain't passing you up again
Collarbones make pizza shapes you all the things that preachers ain't
And your hands don't wait when she hesitates both lips still part to  re-commemorate
Oh now I know this is bad you're flashing black and yellow, all me
But if we paused where you had me at hello but not called me
Would you have put in more effort, gone and left a different impression, stayed shy and let me ask all 21 questions?
You're more than just a beauty in that red dress
Babygirl you're more than beauty in that red dress
Struggling to catch your breath hands wrapped around my neck
Lost in Wonderland clouds hang with Absolem
Thinkin bout now and then as your back arches again
You're toxic I'm intoxicated so you come up with the plan
And I'm sitting there thinking of where I said I was
And I'm sitting there thinking of how you've got me buzzed
And I'm sitting there thinking of who I'll turn to see
Years later when I wake from rings Sonic runs my dreams
She just didn't understand I wasn't man enough to tell her
Now I'm knocking like it's jokes wishing instead I could just bell her
One heart two chambers you ever wonder why?
Not just for oxygenation to hide left from right lies
But are all lies not wrong?
False notes in my heart song
All I know's going on's that your voice turns me on
The only thing I've got going's the view you keep showing
But I wanna look deeper it's been years let me peek girl
I wanna see the thoughts in your mind
Blood drown in alcohol and wine
And if you're ticked off help you to unwind
To let you know that beating heart of yours is mine
You're more than just a beauty in that red dress
Babygirl you're more than beauty in that red dress
Lava ain't a euphemism used in forever
5 hours away dreaming about life together
But now my blood's too cold for you
And life has made you colder too
And as your lips start turning blue
I breathe all my life into you
The pain the burns the lessons not learned
The creaks of the headboard followed by the footsteps of the dead horde
Marching louder than the calm louder screams skin along my arms
The slate just needs to clear I don't want anyone here can't you see I'm sinking
But every time you hit me up I can't stop myself thinking
You're more than just a beauty in that red dress
Babygirl you're more than beauty in that red dress

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