Chapter 1

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I'm so excited to put this story on Wattpad! I'm very proud of this story and I hope everyone enjoys reading this as much as I liked writing it! Music is for the hunting dogs.

It was a dark, dreary night. The thunder roared in the sky and the lighting flashed making the landscape look even more gruesome. The battle of the century had just ended at a draw. Both sides called a cold truce and had left the battlefield leaving behind their comrades, and letting the buzzards feast on what was left of their battle scarred corpses. The demons and angels never got along, but this time the demons had crossed an unspeakable line, and called the angels to war. The hunting dogs sniffed the ground trying to find any life that was left on the field. Little did the dogs know that there was a puppy amongst the ruin that would grow up to be their worst challenge yet.

20 years later...
My whole life I had memorized the demons' territory, and had avoided the hunting dogs and their master for years, but today my luck had run out. I could hear the heavy footfalls of the hunting dogs' horses, and the scent of dried blood that had stuck to the hunting dogs' mouths. I ran out to the woods and started to run toward the angel territories. It was a risky move but it was the only chance I had to get away with my life. The sound of the dogs' growls got closer and I could feel the horses' labored breath on my back. I spurred my warhorse faster, urging him to gallop for a few more seconds. Then, my trained warhorse Twilight, who never faulted, shied, or made a mistake, tripped and fell to the ground and didn't rise again. I didn't have time to grab my stuff or check to see if my horse was alive or dead. So, I ran the remaining way to the border.

"We got him now boys!" shouted a hunting dog behind me. I smiled to myself. No, you think you got me. I corrected the hunting dog in my head. I jumped the barbed wire fence that separated the border, and stumbled down the hill. I heard the hunting dogs skid their horses to a stop. The horses neighed in alarm at the wire. Then they disappeared as quickly as the came, and took off with their tails tucked between their legs back to their master.

"Yea that's right! You better run!" I shouted with my remaining breath. Then I collapsed and my world turned black.

Misty's POV
The woods was normal as it always was. The sun shined through the leaves as water dripped off the branches from the rain. The birds were chirping and the squirrels skittered across the floor of the woods. I walked toward the creek and started to fill my water bottle. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw something on the other side of the bank. I looked up and dropped my bottle. Someone had collapsed near the demons' border. I walked into the stream and went to the other side. I quickly shook the water off of me, and approached the body. He was covered in dried blood and he had scratches covering his back and arms. He had probably passed out from starvation. He was all bone. I could count all his ribs through his torn shirt with no problems. I started to bite my nails and thought about the situation and what I should do. As a healer, I should take him back to my cottage and heal him, but as a angel I should get a hold of the authorities and have them deal with him. I went with my first instinct, and put his arm around my shoulders so I could drag him. I slowly lugged him across the stream, and headed to my cottage. I stopped and took a deep breath so I could attempt to catch my breath and not pass out from exhaustion. After a quick break I walked the remaining way to my cottage. Once I got to my front door I leaned him against the wall and unlocked the door. Then, I grabbed my patient and dragged him inside and, gently put him on the small couch in the living room. His face looked even worse. He was covered in blood from cuts and caked in mud, it was probably from falling down the hill that led to the barbed fence that closed the two territories. I bit my lower lip, and thought about what I should do. After a brief conversation with myself I decided to leave him alone, and wait till he wakes up to do anything. I walked into my small kitchen and started to make supper for me. I heard the small paws pad into the kitchen and start to weave in between my legs. I looked down and smiled at my overweight fuzzball I called a cat.

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