Chapter 4

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The sun shined through the windows causing me to be blinded when I woke up. I blinked away the harsh light and noticed that sometime in the middle of the night Tiger had decided to abandon me. No wonder I could actually breath this morning. I didn't have a ball of fur in my face. I heard the familiar noise of sizzling bacon. I licked my lips and walked into the kitchen. Misty was by the stove making breakfast while Tiger was chowing down on his breakfast.

"Morning Steal," She said in a monotone voice.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fine," She stated. I walked over to her and hugged her from behind. She tensed up at my touch.

"Why are you so tense? You act like I'm going to hurt you," I whimpered. I felt her body relax and she leaned into my hug. I closed my eyes and breathed in her scent. We stayed like this for a while. Then the smoke detector went off and ruined everything. My eyes instantly shot open. Misty sprung out of my arms and turned off the stove and put the pan in the sink while I turned off the smoke detector.

"So, no bacon then?" I asked. She looked at me and we both started to laugh. We laughed for a few minutes. My stomach started to ache and my eyes teared up from all the laughing. Slowly, we both started to breathe normally again, and the laughing subsided. The kitchen fell silent. I looked back at her. Misty's eyes were still filled with an emotion I couldn't figure out. Sadness maybe? Worry, stress, depression? Her phone buzzed on the counter next to me and I saw it was Jessie. I grabbed it and handed it to her. She took it out of my hands and ended the call.

"Why didn't you answer that? I thought you two were best friends," I asked.

"I'm just upset with her," She answered.

"So that's why you're upset. Jessie did something to make you mad at her," I concluded.

"Yea, she thought I seemed lonely so she decided to set me up with someone without telling me," She answered.

"Oh," I stated. I really didn't know how to answer that statement. A few seconds later I heard someone knock on the front door.

Misty's POV
I heard a knock on the door, and Tiger began meowing from the window like the scary guard cat he thought he was. Steal looked towards the door, and then back at me in confusion. I took a deep breath and walked toward the door. Slowly, I opened my front door to reveal the guy that Jessie had set me up with, Blaine Adams, a tall and handsome Doberman Pincher. He had a white smile plastered on his face that just screamed I'm better than you.

"Misty, nice to see you," He said.

"You too," I answered back ignoring the fact that he had already lost interest in talking to me . I stepped aside motioning for him to come in. He walked in and I shut the door behind me. Then I heard a growl from Steal and another from Blaine.

"Stay back Misty, who knows how dangerous this demon is," Blaine growled putting his arm in front of me.

"Blaine, he isn't mean. He would never hurt me!" I exclaimed knocking Blaine's arm away from me. I quickly walked away from him and went to Steal's side giving him a hug. He hugged me back and continued to growl at Blaine.

"See, he's harmless," I cooed. Blaine glared at Steal. They looked straight into each others eyes. Gold met hazel and neither were backing down. The room was filled with silence and tension. No one moved an inch except for Tiger who jumped from his perch and walked into the kitchen.

"Misty, you didn't tell me that you were harboring a demon in your home," Blaine growled.

"He is my friend!" I exclaimed "And if you have a problem with my friend choices then you can leave!"

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