Chapter 16

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No one knew about the hunting dog that had attacked Toxic and Jamaica last night except for me and Misty. I checked up on the two of them the next morning to find that they were both sound asleep next to each other. I stared at them from the doorway. It kind of freaked me out to see those two like that. They hated each other. So what the heck happened to make them so close? Oh well, as long as they weren't going for each other's throats.

"Adorable isn't it," Nana asked me.

"Yea, real cute,"

Nana backhanded me on my bad shoulder and I winced from the hit. I looked down at the older woman who didn't seem to be fazed after she had just hit me.

"What was that for?" I asked her confusedly. Nana shrugged her shoulders. I sighed and continued to look at the two.

"It will be hysterical when they wake up though," Nana stated.


"Just watch,"

Nana and I continued to watch for a few minutes. I looked at my watch. It was eight o' clock. Toxic has a mental alarm clock in his head that should be going off any second now. Toxic twitched in his sleep and yawned. He opened his eyes and looked over at his side. His eyes grew and he jolted up causing Jamaica who had been resting on him, to fall off the bed.

"Ow," Jamaica said. Toxic walked over to me and Nana in a hurried fashion.

"Morning Toxic. You can have the day off if you want since you were attacked last night," I told him. He shook his head vigorously.

"No, I need to do something to get my mind off of everything," he stated.

"Alright, you can go practice with your bow if you want," I told him. Toxic walked off in the direction of the training wing. Jamaica stretched and got off the bed with some struggle.

"Don't worry about me I'm fine," she stated.

"Jamaica, would you consider allying with my pit permanently to help take down my father?" I asked her. She looked at me for a little bit but then eventually she nodded her head.

"Why not. I'll send out a message for the rest of my pit to hightail it over here," she replied. She went to exit the door and stopped. She looked over her shoulder at me.

"By the way, your second in command needs to loosen up a bit. He's never calm or relaxed. He's always on the look out for danger," she stated.

Toxic, he was raised to be like that," I replied.

"Right, just like you were raised to train hunting dogs and carry out the family business," she said.

"I wasn't raised to do that," I growled.


Jamaica stalked off out of the room. She should've been resting, but there was no stopping her when she wanted to do something. Nana walked back over to her giant pot in the center of the room and began working once more. I exited her room and walked down the hall towards the main room. So far, this day hasn't started off to good.

Misty's POV
Amnesia, Jessie, Amethyst and I were in the lab right now chatting and waiting for a hybrid to be done. We had been up for three hours since we heard the alarm in the lab go off at five in the morning, signaling that a hybrid is near being completed. I let out a yawn and glanced over at the computer screen. It hadn't moved for over twenty minutes.

"Maybe the alarm is broken, and the hybrid isn't close to being done yet," I stated.

"Those alarms are state of the art, and they work just fine," Amnesia said. Jessie had already fallen back asleep and Amethyst was close to cracking.

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