Chapter 10

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The whole night I had trouble sleeping. Amnesia kept me awake by tossing and turning all night and if that wasn't bad enough some time around 3 a.m. a stink bomb went off in the room. Amnesia started to cough. Phantom and Nightmare slept through it though. Boys, the things they can sleep through. I got up out of bed and walked out of the room with Amnesia and started walking back to Steal's room to tell him what happened. I knocked on his door and I heard a muffled 'coming' on the other side of the door. He opened the door and rubbed one of his eyes, yawning.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Someone thought it would be funny to put a stink bomb in our room!" Amnesia exclaimed. Steal shut one of his ears and winced.

"A little too loud Amnesia," Steal stated. Amnesia groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Can you please just find out who did it?" I asked him politely.
"Yea sure, but I think I already know who did it," he claimed. He walked past us and disappeared down the hallway. Amnesia and I looked at each other and followed behind him. Steal stopped at a door near the end of the hall and pounded on it causing the wolf on the inside to growl in annoyance.

"Demonai! Get out here right now!" Steal yelled. Demonai emerged from his room moments later.

"What?" he snapped.

"I would like you to explain yourself for why you put a stink bomb in Amnesia's room," Steal stated. Demonai looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know what your talking about, and besides if I did it I would've been outside the room watching," Demonai claimed.

"Well, if you didn't do it then who did?" I asked. Demonai shrugged his shoulders and Steal looked like he was deep in his thoughts.

"Maybe, the explosive twins did it?" Demonai said. Steal shook his head.

"No, they gave up stink bombs a year ago. Said it wasn't explosive enough for them," Steal stated.

Steal 's POV
The whole stink bomb scenario puzzled me. I had already spoken with everyone in the pit and no one claimed to have done it. This makes no sense.  I continued walking down the hall thinking about who could've done it and why. It was probably just a friendly joke and that's why no one wanted to claim it. They thought that they didn't have to. I heard the lightning clap outside. The storm was getting stronger but we were safe underground. A bird caw from the outside, but it sounded close to the pit. I looked behind me at a window I had just passed, and looked at it quizzically. I walked back to the window and saw a giant black hawk and saw my father's sign on one of the bird's wings, a crescent moon. My eyes bulged at the sight of the bird. That was one of my father's birds. No, no, no he's not coming here. You're safe. Everyone is safe.  The thunder rumbled outside and the bird flew away screeching eerily. My heart rate accelerated quickly as I ran down the halls calling for Toxic and my siblings. Kaviik poked his head out of his room at my voice and gave me an odd look.

"What is your deal S? It's too early for training," Kaviik yawned.

"I just saw one of dad's birds in a window. So, I'm either going insane or Dad is coming here for some reason," I explained. Kaviik shut his door with a slam and I heard locks locking on the other side. Wimp. Toxic came sprinting down the halls and stopped when he saw me.

"I heard you yelling half way across the pit! What is wrong?" he asked in a frenzied manner.

"I think my dad found the pit and possibly us," I stated. Toxic's eyes grew big at the statement. My father was a cold-blooded murder, and if he found this place he would tear it down and rip everyone to shreds, and as a punishment he would make me watch his hounds kill every single one of my friends and family.

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