Chapter 23

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Steal's POV
The next morning, I woke up to the pit buzzing with energy. Everyone was already awake and doing their jobs. I on the other hand, had slept in. The alarm had gone off at the time I was supposed to get up, but I swatted at it and I stayed in bed a little while longer. Mornings were not my favorite things. So, staying in bed trying to wake up felt better than forcing myself to get up out of bed when I really didn't want to. After an hour or so I figured it was time for me to get up.

"Getting up?" Misty questioned me.

"Yea, I probably should," I answered. Slowly, I got up out of bed and put on some clean clothes. Misty did not get up though. She stayed in bed and had quickly fallen back asleep. I kissed her on the head and left my room, shutting the door behind me quietly.

"Morning," Demonai stated.

"Why are you standing at my door?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I looked around my door and the spot he had been standing in, looking for a trap or prank. After scanning my surroundings and deciding it was safe I walked down the hall to the training rooms. I noticed not one wolf wasn't training. Eclipse caught my eye and he bowed his head in respect. I bowed back to him and he continued with his solo training. Wild Card was seated on top of the catwalk though, fiddling with tarot cards. Curious I walked over to see what he was doing.

"Morning Steal," Wild Card said.

"Morning. What are you doing with those cards?" I asked him. He looked up at me, but he didn't answer my question.

"Take a seat and watch, would you?" he asked me. Deciding it was probably best to listen to him. I sat in the seat next to his. He arranged the cards and examined each one. Picking them up, flipping them over, turning them between his fingers, and mumbling things to himself.

"These don't look like normal tarot cards," I stated.

"They're not. I made these cards specifically for me. There are no other cards like this in the world," he responded.

"Impressive," I complemented. He smiled at this and continued. He swept his hand over the cards and they magically stacked themselves. I blinked about a million times before I looked at Wild Card stunned.

"Did you think Eclipse was joking when he said I was a shaman?" he asked me.

"I have no doubt in my mind now," I answered. He chuckled at me and threw his head back laughing.

"You amuse me rat. I hope you live past this war," Wild Card stated.

"Me too," I mumbled. A patrol walked into the training room. They spotted me and began to head in my direction.

"Nothing. No hunting dogs. No Blu. No... nothing," Fang stated. I groaned and shook my head. That was not what I wanted to hear this morning.

"Do you want the other patrol to go out still?" Scorpion asked.

"Yes, go round them up and tell them to go to the south side of the border instead of the north. Maybe they will find some luck down there," I told them. Both nodded their heads and went to go find the other patrol. I pinched the bridge of my nose and deeply inhaled.

"Bad day?" Toxic asked startling me.

"Bad luck," I responded. He nodded his head in understanding. We both looked down at the wolves training.

"You think we can win this?" he asked. I looked at him puzzled. Why wouldn't we win?

"We have more numbers and more experienced fighters than my father does. We should have no problem winning," I responded.

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