Chapter 25

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The sound of metal clashing echoed on the battlefield. All the fights came to a screeching halt and everyone stared at the father and son duo battling. Both of my daggers collided with the middle of my father's sword. I tried to push the sword off my weapons, but my father was stronger than I thought he was. The tip of my father's blade pushed closer and closer to my throat. With all my might, I pushed the sword off me and in the process of doing that I somehow managed to disarm my father. The sword flew through the air and landed a few feet away from us. My father directed his full attention to me, and he didn't even bother to fetch his sword that laid suspended in the ground. I ran at my father once more, but he stood his ground. His claws met my daggers, and he disarmed me within seconds. Claws met my arm, and I recoiled in pain. I held my arm and looked down at it. Crimson blood dripped onto the grass. Looking back up at my father I noticed he was waiting for me to make the next move. My daggers had landed beside my father's sword. It wasn't worth darting over there and grabbing them.

"Looks like you haven't had the proper training for battle," my father hissed.

"I'll show you proper training," I growled. My father grinned, and he morphed into the last stage. I mimicked him and instead of lunging at one another right away, we both began to circle each other. Growls reverberated between us. I could see the fury blazing in my father's eyes. He wasn't afraid anymore. He was ready to end this. I snapped my overlarge teeth at him and he demonically growled at me.

"It didn't have to end like this son. We could've worked something out," my father stated.

"The only thing you would've done was take my pit away and train me with the dogs," I replied. Titan sneered at me and lunged forward ripping off some fur from my shoulder. I yipped in surprise. Looking at my shoulder, I realized my father only came away with a mouthful of fur and not much else. He spat out the fur onto the grass and glared at me like it was my fault he only got fur.

"Guess you're a little out of it," I stated.

"I can't believe I have to fight and kill my own son," he said completely changing the conversation.

"Who says you're going to kill me? Maybe I'm going to kill you," I growled. My father laughed at the statement.

"You don't have the guts," he spat at me. I growled at him and lunged for him. He moved out of my line of fire and I ended up biting his tail. He yelped and glared at me. I still had a fairly good hold on his tail.

"Release my tail," he ordered. I did as I was told. Just not the way he thought I was going to. Digging my claws in the dirt I jerked my head back and I felt something release. Looking down my muzzle, I noticed I held a tail in my mouth. My father shrieked in pain. Howling he looked back to where his tail should've been.

"You foul mongrel," he hissed. I spat out his tail and it landed behind us.

"Don't have the guts?" I questioned him. He growled at me and lunged for me once more. Except instead of shying away I met him head on. Teeth snapped, and jaws locked onto flesh. I had bit down on my father's shoulder, and he had gotten a rib or two in his mouth. He began to throw his head, trying to rip my side apart. I copied him and began to rip apart his shoulder. Neither of us were backing down. I heard flesh being ripped, and I noticed that his shoulder was slowly falling apart. My ribs were in excruciating pain though, but I held on to the grip I had and tried to use more strength to rip his shoulder. The sound of flesh releasing from a body caught my attention when I lost my grip on my father. Parts of his shoulder muscle had come off and was now hanging from my jaws. My father had succeeded in his task though as well. Part of my rib cage muscles was being held in his jaws, leaving my side wide open. Both of us spat out what we held in our jaws and locked eyes once more. Everyone on both sides had come closer. Trying to watch the fight as close as they could.

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