Chapter 14

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Jessie and Amnesia showed Amethyst and Jamaica the room, while I sat on the bed and watched them. I wasn't completely convinced that the three of them could be trusted, but Steal stated that they were friends in the pit business and they were also allies. Amethyst seemed excited to be here, while Jamaica just studied the room and watched the three of them chatter away about what they should do for the afternoon. Jamaica came and sat next to me.

"So, you're the angel that Steal has a soft spot for," she stated.

"Who says it's me. It could be Jessie he has a soft spot for," I replied.

"Oh please, I saw her hanging around the country boy, and besides I saw you and Steal kissing in the hall,"

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked changing the subject.

"We came here to help Steal defeat his father. The rest of my pit will be coming in a few days,"

"How did you know Steal was going to fight his father?"

"We're allies. One of his fighters told me when we were both patrolling and ran into one another's paths,"


We fell silent for a little bit until we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Amnesia shouted. The door opened to reveal Toxic who looked a little out of place amongst all the girls. Toxic entered and shut the door behind him.

"The hybrid isn't finished yet. It will probably be tomorrow before it's finished," Amnesia stated. Toxic just nodded his head and then looked at our guests while growling at them.

"Hey, no growling," I snapped at him. He looked at me and quit.

'Wow angel. It looks like his second in command also has a soft spot for you," Jamaica said. Toxic glared at her but he didn't growl.

"I have a soft spot for everyone in my family. You and your fighters are not family though, so don't expect me to listen or be nice to you," he stated. Jamaica put a hand over her heart and let out a fake sob.

"That hurt," she said sarcastically.

"Good," he growled.

"Toxic, what did you need?" I asked him.

"Steal wants us all in the dining hall to eat," We all left the room with Toxic leading us to the main hall. Toxic quietly growled every time Jamaica would speak. Amethyst seemed nice though. She reminded me of Danielle, the tomboy in the family. We finally made our way into the main hall. Toxic quickly made his way over to the group and sat next to Nightmare and Rosie.

"I get the impression that Toxic doesn't like me too much," Jamaica said in the line.

"Give him time. He doesn't like strangers in the pit. Especially ones that come unannounced," I stated.

Steal's POV
Everyone was quietly eating at the long table in the center of the room. The oak table gleamed from the crystal chandelier that hung on the ceiling. Small conversation popped up here and there but no one really spoke for too long. The trio was sitting near some of the other fighters and was talking to them in a civilized manner. I noticed that Toxic seemed a little cautious around them though. I picked up my glass and tapped it with my claw, getting everyone's attention.

"I just wanted to welcome the three new members of this family. Montezuma the historian, Amethyst the sister with too many weapons and Jamaica the sister who is a antisocial butterfly," I stated raising my glass. Everyone raised their glasses with me while the trio looked a little embarrassed. I smiled at the three of them and then sat back down next to Misty and my brother Kaviik. I looked at Kaviik who seemed to be... drooling? I hit him on the shoulder and he snapped out of his daydream.

"What were you staring at?" I asked him.

"Amethyst," he responded. See, here's the thing about Kaviik. He doesn't try to beat around the bush with anything. He just comes out and answers the question.That's why I made him my third in command at the pit. I shook my head at him in exasperation.

"What? She's hot and besides I haven't had a girlfriend in a while," he responded.

"Well, you're not going to have one if you keep drooling in front of her,"

"I wasn't drooling!"

Misty, who must have heard our conversation looked over at Kaviik and said in a motherly voice.

"You have a little drool on your chin sweetheart. Oh, and you also have some on your pants, and a little on your plate too,"

Kaviik grabbed his napkin and wiped his face and plate off. Misty and I just laughed at him while he continued to dab his pants trying to get the majority of the drool off of them. Dinner passed in a blur and I found myself with Toxic, Jamaica, and Misty all seated in my room.

"I already told you my reasoning as to why I moved Jamaica to your room. So get over it," I growled.

"I just don't see why I have to be punished," Jamaica sassed.

"Really? You don't know why you should be? Hmm, let me think... oh now I know why. Because everyone here gets along except you two. So, here is what's going to happen. You two will share a room and tomorrow you two will be friends. Now the two of you can leave my room!" I hollered. Jamaica and Toxic got up with each saying a muffled response that sounded like "this is all your fault," and "I hate you."

I collapsed on my bed and groaned. Why can't those two just get along?

"Are you sure that it was smart to put them in the same room? They might end up killing each other," Misty stated.

"At this point, I don't really care what happens. Either they come out friends or they come out hating each other more than when they went in there. There is no in between at this point,"

"Or maybe they won't come out,"

I looked at Misty and I could tell that she was being serious. I thought about what she had said for a little bit. There is no way that those two would... No, it would never happen.

"Misty, it won't happen," I replied. I yawned a little bit. It had been a long day. Luckily there hadn't been anymore threats from my father. I looked over at the alarm clock 9:30. How was I this tired at nine thirty? I crawled under the blankets and wrapped my arm around Misty. Eventually we both drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/N 😃
*slowly claps hands* Well done Steal. You have put two wolves that hate one another in the same room. I don't think he was thinking when that decision was made. The part with Kaviik, Steal, and Misty at dinner cracked me up.... Anyone else? Pic up top is Fang and yes he has angel wings because newsflash people he is an angel but because he is such a good friend to Steal he decided to help him out. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

-DragonStar 🐉

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