Chapter 18

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The next morning, I hustled to get everyone out of bed. I came up with an idea, and I needed everyone to know what was going on. Red was hunting me down. So, why not hunt him down? There is only one of him, and there are around twenty of us. We stood a pretty decent chance of finding him, and when we did we would make him pay for siding with my father in this war. After I had ushered everyone into the meeting room they all looked at me wondering what was so important that they had to be woken up an hour before their alarms went off.

"Okay everyone listen up!" I shouted. Some of them looked at me while the rest looked like they were going to fall asleep at any minute. I pulled the airhorn I had on the table, and honked it at everyone. Everyone groaned and covered their ears. Now I had everyone's attention.

"Alright. So last night I came up with a plan to find Red before he finds us," I stated.

"I am not going to follow him around. The last time I did something like that I was almost made into one of Titan's permanent prisoners!" Spider Monkey shouted from his seat. I waved my hands at him to sit back down. He sat back in his seat with a glare, and continued to look at me angrily.

"Don't worry Monkey, you won't have to follow him. All we have to do is wait for Red to come back this direction, and when he does we will ambush him," I stated.

"What are we going to do with him after we ambush him? Are we going to kill him?" Demonai asked.

"That's the plan," I stated. Everyone began quietly talking to one another. I watched them whisper to each other for a few minutes. Then, Jamaica said something I hadn't really cared to think about.

"So, what happens when your father finds out that his beloved tracker is dead?"

"I don't know, but even if my father does find out he won't know that we did it. We will cover up our scents so it looked like an accident," I explained.

"Yea, because Red would be dumb enough to die due to natural causes instead of being murdered by his enemies," Jamaica said.

"You never know. The woods can be a very dangerous place on the demon's side of the border,"

Jamaica rolled her eyes and sat back down. Everyone looked back at me, and waited for me to say something else.

"You will be divided into groups. No one will be alone when they are doing this job, and everyone will have a walkie talkie on them so if a group finds Red the whole pit can be alerted."

I began passing out the walkie talkies to everyone. They all looked at them like they were some kind of a foreign object. I unfolded the piece of paper from my pocket, and began saying the groups.

"Group 1 will be the Evans brothers. Group 2 will be Amnesia, Phantom, Misty, and Jessie. Group 3 will be Demonai, the explosive twins, and Spider Monkey. Group 4 will be Kaviik, Amethyst, Balto, and Scorpion. Group 5 will be Danielle, Rosie, Amber, and Rocco. The last group will be Jamaica, Toxic, Montezuma, and I," I looked up from my piece of paper and looked at everyone. "If anyone forgets who is in their group this paper will be posted on the door," I said. Everyone nodded their heads. I guarantee that almost half of them already forgot who was in their group. "Everyone's dismissed," I waved my hands at them and they all left to carry out their day. I pinned the piece of paper to the front of the door and started walking to Nightmare's room. I had a job for him. He needed to make me some hybrids for this war.

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