Chapter 2

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I had been staying with Misty for almost a week now, and I have to admit staying with an angel wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She kept her promise about only helping me when I asked for it. Other than that she left me alone and I left her alone. The morning sun shined in the window, briefly blinding me as I tried to wake up. Tiger jumped up on me and began meowing at me, telling me it was time to get up. I groaned and slowly rose into a sitting position so my head wouldn't spin. Tiger then jumped off my lap and ran into the kitchen. I looked in the direction of where Tiger went. Slowly, I got up and padded into the kitchen trying to not move too quick and  hurt my ribs. Tiger was loudly meowing and sitting by his food bowl.

"You don't need anymore food. You already have food," I said to him. He continued meowing at me and he butted his head against my leg. I walked over to the food bowl and saw his food bowl was empty. That's strange. Why didn't Misty feed him? I picked up his food bowl and gave him his normal breakfast, wet food. I set it down on the ground, and started looking around the house for a note about where Misty was. I finally found a note taped to a bottle of medicine.

Went to Jessie's for a little bit. I'll be back sometime this afternoon. Please feed Tiger his morning and noon meal, and don't forget to take your medicine. 

Go figure, she went to her friend's house while I was asleep. Whatever. I took my medicine quickly, trying to ignore the horrible aftertaste that came with it. I padded out of the office and back into the kitchen. Hmm... what to eat. I looked in the fridge and saw some leftovers from a couple nights ago. Guess I can eat this. I put it in the microwave to warm up and then I started to eat my late morning breakfast. I looked over at Tiger, who was still chowing down his own meal. Jeez, that cat is so fat. I wonder how much he weighs? I set my food down on the counter and walked over to Tiger and picked him up.

"Come on bud, let's go see how much you weigh," I said walking to the bathroom where the scale was.

Misty's POV
I had been at Jessie's for a little over 20 minutes or so, and all she could talk about was how I should get rid of the demon that was in my house.

"I just don't see the point in having him stay there," stated Jessie.

"I already told you he isn't completely recovered yet, but once he is I will tell him to leave," I stated. She rolled her eyes while making a disgusted noise. "I don't understand why you don't like him. You haven't even met him."

"I don't need to meet him to know he is bad. All demons are evil and mean," Jessie said.

"He isn't that bad anymore. I already told you he has changed," I sighed.

"Whatever, can we just change the subject," Jessie asked.

"No, because I'm tired of you bad mouthing him when you've never even met him," I stated.

"Well maybe I should meet him then," Jessie replied.

"You know what you will meet him. Let's go back to my house," I ordered.

"Fine," She answered. I quickly grabbed my things and Jessie grabbed her purse and keys ,and we walked out to our separate cars, and drove over to my house.

Steal's POV
I heard the stones in the drive move. My ears perked up and I hobbled to the window. Intruder! I looked out the window and saw Misty's car pulling in. No intruder. I thought, slowly calming myself down. The car doors slammed, and I saw Misty along with an Australian Shepherd. Must be Jessie, but what is she doing here? I growled low in my throat. I don't like the feeling of this. Misty unlocked the door, and walked in with Jessie in tow.

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