Chapter 22

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Steal's POV
I woke up feeling groggy and looked around. Dead trees were still the majority of my surroundings, but I could hear multiple voices around me. Getting louder and louder.

"Look who's awake," a voice said. I lifted my head and saw one of the two that had knocked me out.

"Where am I?" I asked confusedly. The wolf laughed at me, but he didn't answer my question.

"Where am I? He asks," the wolf mimicked me. I growled at him, and he looked at me with a grin.

"Growling won't get you anywhere," he says to me. I got myself into a sitting position. Looking around I saw multiple wolves. Young pups were running around the dead brush and laughing, while the older wolves occasionally glanced over the camp. A black, purple, bluish wolf looked over at me and grinned a Cheshire Cat smile and got up from his seat.

"Welcome to my pit. I hope you don't mind that my boys kidnapped you and your friends, but you were trespassing," he told me.

"Who are you?" I asked him. He laughed out loud at me. I lifted my eyebrow at him. Was this guy for real? He stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Allow me to introduce myself. Name's Eclipse I run BlackBlood Pit," He said putting out his hand. I shook it cautiously.

"Steal, leader of Street Kings," I told him.

"I know who you are," Eclipse said. The two that had kidnapped me earlier came up behind him and stood patiently behind him. Eclipse must have sensed their presence. He looked behind him and then looked back to me.

"These two nut jobs are Thunder and Lightning," He said motioning from one to the other. Thunder was a pure black wolf with shocks of electric yellow fur and neon yellow eyes. Lighting was a yellow coyote with patches of black fur and had stormy gray eyes.

"Nice to officially meet you," they say in unison.

"They are my second and third in command," Eclipse stated. I nodded my head.

"Where are my friends?" I asked.

"We ate them," Lighting stated. Eclipse smacked him, and he whined.

"Ignore him. Your friends are over there," he said pointing over to a small tent where the two of them were sitting talking to another wolf. I walked over there, and both looked up at me with looks of relief.

"Good to see you back with the living," Red said.

"Thanks, I think," I responded. Thorn was still in deep conversation with the other wolf, and he didn't bother to look up and say hi to me.

"We might have another ally with this pit," Red stated. I raised my eyebrows in question.

"Don't look at me like that pup. You need all the help you can get, and this pit is one of the best," Red said. Thorn had finally finished his conversation and saw me.

"Steal, this is Wild Card. He said that Eclipse might be willing to help us," Thorn said. I glanced over at Wild Card who was mindlessly fiddling with a few tarot cards.

"So, Eclipse might be interested in helping us then?" I asked him. He peered up at me and then looked back down at his cards.

"Yes," he said simply. He put down his cards and they disappeared into a thin cloud of smoke. The three of us blinked at the spot where the cards had just been. Wild Card chuckled lightly.

"It's amusing for me to watch such common folk like yourselves be confused by my magic," Wild Card said. I looked at the strange wolf. He wasn't abnormal looking, it was honestly just his personality. Wild Card was a white, gray wolf and had green war paint smeared on the top of his head and some on his back. His eyes were a translucent gray, white color.

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