Chapter 11

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It has been a week now since everyone decided to stay with Steal and defend the pit. Since then, everyone has been training harder and for longer periods of time, Steal included. Jessie and I helped Nana with preparing medicines that would help them when the fight ends. Nana claims that she will die before the fight even begins but I think she is just aggravated by the whole thing.

"What is that smell?" Jessie asked in a disgusted tone. I sniffed the air around us and it smelled like something had died in Nana's room.

"Nana what died in here?" I asked her. She looked up from her pot and sniffed.

"Oh, don't mind that dears it's just the medicine cooking," she replied. Jessie and I looked at one another and silently gagged. I felt sorry for whoever had to drink that. A few minutes later we heard a knock on Nana's door. We all looked in the direction of the door but no one bothered to move from their station to answer it.

"If no one answers this door in one minute I will break it down!" Fang hollered from the other side. Jessie and I looked at each other in confusion. Fang was the nice one so what was his problem? Nana walked over to the door and Fang stomped in holding his eye, walking with a limp, and a few needles in his shoulder. Jessie looked upset but she remained seated.

"What happened?" Nana asked in a concerned tone.

"Training. That's what happened," he huffed.

"Kaviik needs to learn to not play with needles," Nana mumbled.

"Yea, no kidding. If he tore one of my wings I might just kill or neuter him... or both," Fang growled.

"Not to butt into the conversation but aren't demon wings already damaged anyways?" I asked.

"Yes Misty they are, but I'm half angel and half demon so my wings are those of a fallen angel and they aren't damaged," Fang explained.

"You're a fallen angel?" Jessie and I said in unison.
"Yea, if I was a demon do you really think I would be as nice as I am?" he asked.

"Well Steal is nice... kind of," I stated. I heard Nana laugh to herself and Fang looked at me funny.

"Darlin' he is only nice to you and everyone else because we have his back and we are practically family. But towards everyone else he is as mean as an agitated king cobra that is ready to strike and kill," he stated. Nana came shuffling back with a wet rag and went over to Fang's shoulder.

"This might hurt," she stated handing him a flat piece of sheet metal to bite down on. He took the piece of metal between his teeth and Nana began to pull out the needles. He cringed in pain but never yelped once. I had to admit he's pretty tough. Jessie had went over to him and held on to his arm trying her best to calm him down. Nana backed away from him with a cloth full of blood and needles.

"Done," she said. Fang opened his mouth and tiny pieces of the sheet metal fell out. I looked at the floor in fear. He just chewed that into a million pieces. Fang turned his head around and spat out a piece of sheet metal. The metal ricocheted off the wall and landed in the trashcan.

"Impressive," I stated.

"I try," he answered. He hugged Jessie back and kissed the top of her head. They stayed like that for a while so I decided to give them some privacy. I left Nana's room and walked around the pit. I had only been walking around for a few minutes when I heard a bang from the end of the hall. I glanced in that direction and saw smoke coming from a room. I shook my head in exasperation. 

Steal's POV

I heard the explosion before I saw it. I rolled my eyes. Do the explosive twins not know what the word outside means? I began to walk over to the explosive twins room but Misty had beat me to it. She was standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips glaring into the room. I held in a chuckle and calmly walked over to Misty and rested my head on her shoulder.

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