Chapter 17

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I got up earlier than usual the next morning for training. I hadn't trained for a few days now and I wanted to start before everyone else got up. I walked into one of the training rooms and noticed that I wasn't alone. Kaviik was in the corner playing with his intoxicated needles. Needles was one of Kaviik's specialties, that and swords. He looked up from his training when I walked in. He quickly looked down and went back to his training.

"What are you doing up so early Kaviik?" I asked him.

"I just needed to clear my head," he responded. He threw another handful of needles and all of them landed straight up as the needles were programmed to do. I watched my brother a little longer. Something about him was off. I don't know what but he didn't see like himself. I grabbed a few daggers off of the weapons wall and began throwing. I practiced for a few minutes and all of my daggers marked their place in the dummy's hearts. I retrieved all the daggers and put them back on the wall. Kaviik was still training though. I walked over to him and pulled him out of the training room. He protested all the way out to the hall.

"Could you stop yelling? I'm not hurting you," I told him. Kaviik abruptly shut his mouth. I let go of him when we got up to the front room. He sat down in one of the chairs and I sat across from him.

"Okay, spill. What is your problem?" I asked him.

"Nothing is wrong S. Just drop it," Kaviik huffed. I looked at Kaviik suspiciously. Something was up with him. It wasn't like him to shut himself out from the world.

"Look if this is about Titan-"

"It's not about dad S. It's the new girl Amethyst. I can't wrap my head around her. She's so confusing. I want to be with her but she won't give me the time of day," Kaviik explained. I sat back in my chair and looked at the ceiling. So, this is what has my brother confused and upset. It's Amethyst.

"Look Kaviik why don't you have the day off and go into town. Find a girl and bring her back. Do what you usually do,"

"I don't want the day off! I want a day to talk with Amethyst and tell her that I'm not what everyone thinks I am around here,"

"Okay then, I will still give you the day off even if you don't want it. I think you will need the day to explain to her what you really are,"

Kaviik muttered a thanks as he was leaving. I sighed heavily and watched him go. Don't screw this up Kaviik. I thought as he walked away from me.

Kaviik's POV

I walked down the hall that led to my room. Steal had given me the day off but I wasn't going to do what he wanted me to do. No way was I going to talk to Amethyst. I was almost to my room when I passed Amnesia's room and heard my name.

"Kaviik!" Amnesia yelled. She opened the door and poked her head out of her room. She was about ready to shout my name again. She shut her mouth when she saw that I was right outside her door.

"Your hybrid is almost done," she said. Amnesia grabbed my hand and pulled me in her room and marched me all the way to the lab. The circulation to my hand had been completely shut off from Amnesia's death like grip. She released my hand in the lab and I immediately started to rub my hand and tried to get the circulation back to it. I walked over to the tube that everyone was standing by. The tube had already been lifted off of the hybrid and it stirred in it's sleep. I wanted Nightmare to make me a saber tooth lion, dragon, and wolverine mix. It was about the size of a lion cub at the moment. They hybrid opened it's eyes and they were the same royal blue color as mine were. I held my hand out for the hybrid and it sniffed my hand. The hybrid opened it's wings and flew into my arms. I caught the hybrid as it landed on me. It started to purr as I began to pet it.

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