Chapter 6

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The gang and I had decided that Misty could stay until the Round Robin since we had to go past a part of the angel's territory to get to the House of Knights anyways. I was in the meeting room with everyone and was discussing the order of the roster, and what we should change so we can move up in rank and hopefully win the fight. Misty helped with the order a little bit but she mostly just listened and stayed silent.

"I want the first one on the roster to be Demonai," I stated.

"Why me?" Demonai asked with a slight whine in his voice.

"Because the first fight is always hand to hand combat, and considering the fact that you can easily take a wall down with a slight punch. You're our best bet to win that fight," I explained. Demonai nodded his head in agreement and signed his name on the first slot in the roster.

"Now the second fight is the team fight. So I think it would be best to put Prince and Royale in for that one since they are one of the better teams that train together," I explained. No one seemed to have any issues with that so they put their names on the roster for the second fight.

"The third fight is the one fight where weapons are allowed. Does anyone want to do it?" I asked. Everyone glanced at one another. Everyone is pretty good with weapons so it doesn't make a difference who does the fight.

"Why don't you just do it Steal?" asked Phantom.

"I rather not fight this year," I replied.

"You would be good in it though. You could easily win that fight," Misty stated. Everyone, including myself looked at Misty. She looked at all of us in a confused manner.

"What? I saw how you are with daggers back at my house when we were attacked. You could win that fight," She stated.

"The angel speaks the truth boss. You always beat all of us in a weapons fight with your daggers during training," Nightmare stated.

"Yea, we all agree that you should do it," Toxic said. I looked at the gang and everyone was nodding their heads in agreement. I took the pen and signed my name on the roster for the fight.

"Alright, the last fight is the morphed fight. Fang this fight has your name written all over it," I said. Fang didn't even argue. Everyone knew he was our best bet since he was the biggest out of all of us when he completely morphed. He signed his name on the roster with no complaints.

"Okay then, the rest of the fights are the free fights which are just standard timed fights,  so if your name isn't on the roster and you want a fight just sign your name," I stated. Everyone stood up and went to grab a pen to sign their names. Misty watched the rest of them sign their names on the small scrap of official paper. Then she looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back at her. Everyone slowly began to clear out of the room. After everyone left I walked over to where they had laid the roster and picked it up. With the roster in hand, I walked back to my seat at the head of the table and sat down to look at the lineup.

Misty's POV
I went over to Steal and looked over his shoulder. Everyone was on the roster, not one single fighter didn't sign their name on the paper.

"You know you can sit next to me if you want to look at the roster," Steal stated. My cheeks turned a light pink. I walked over to the chair next to Steal's and sat down in it. He laid the roster down on the table so that both of us could see.

"Why do you guys do this?" I asked looking at the list of names.

"Do what?" Steal questioned.

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