Chapter 15

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This chapter is only in Toxic's POV

Steal is going to pay for putting me in a room with her. What did I do to deserve this punishment? I had gotten back to my room and the minute both of us were in the room someone locked the door. I walked over to the door and pulled on it a little just to make sure I wasn't making up the noise. The door wouldn't budge. Nope, not making it up.

"Great," I mumbled under my breath.

"Let me guess. Someone locked us in here for the evening?" Jamaica sarcastically said behind me.

"No, you can leave if you want to. You just have to ram your big head into the door and you'll be free to leave," I said my voice dripping with sarcasm. Jamaica huffed and rolled her eyes. I leaned my head against the door and listened for anyone passing by. Fifteen minutes passed and no one came. I sat down by the door and groaned. The clock went on to say it was ten o' clock.

"You can have the bed. I'm going to sleep near the door," I stated.

"Oh, how very kind of you. Would you like a blanket?" She said in a lady like voice.

"Yes, and a pillow too,"

She threw the pillow at me from off the bed.

"Um, I asked for a blanket too,"

"Silly me, how could I forget,"

I growled at her and she laughed. She grabbed the lighter blanket I had at the foot of the bed and walked over to me. She put the blanket over my head.

"There you go. All better?"

"Thanks," I said from under the blanket. I lifted the blanket off my head and covered up. I then proceeded to lay down on the floor in front of the door. Jamaica climbed on the bed and turned the lights out. I heard the bed creak from her trying to get comfortable. After a couple of minutes all was quiet.

"Are you always this mean to everyone?" She asked.

"Only to the ones I really loathe," I sneered.

"Why do you loathe me again?"

"You're a pain in my side. That's why,"

"I haven't even been here for a day. How am I already a pain to you?"

"It's not my fault your whole attitude screams hate me,"

"Well, your a pain in my side too,"

"Could you two SHUT UP!" Steal yelled through the wall.

"NO!" We both yelled in unison. After a few minutes of peace I was almost asleep and I was actually quite comfortable on the floor.

"You know, I actually want to be your friend but you make it so difficult," Jamaica said in the dark.

"I try,"

"What's your problem anyways? I've seen you at pit fights before and you always seemed so happy. Now you just look miserable,"

"Gee, thanks for noticing my anxiety,"

"What are you so nervous about?"

"Umm, Titan. If you haven't noticed he is planning on attacking and killing us,"

"So, you're plan to defeat Titan is to push everyone away?"

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