Chapter 9

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Today, the whole pit had the day off. This usually happens after we had done a major fight like a Round Robin. Also, I think if I made them practice they would all probably try to kill me. I slowly rose out of bed and saw Misty looking around the room.

"Morning," I yawned.

"Morning," she replied still looking around the room. "Why do you have two closets?"

"Well, one is for my clothes and the other is for weapons," I replied.

"Weapons?" She questioned me. I nodded my head. I got up out of bed and walked over to the second closet and opened it to reveal my collection of weapons. Misty looked at me in shock. She was probably thinking why I had so many weapons.

"The weapons are for emergencies. If we were to get attacked in the middle of the night I would always have a weapon. Everyone has some kind of storage for their weapons in their rooms."

Misty's POV
So that's what the second closet was for. I always thought that both were for clothes. Live and learn I guess. I decided to go to Amnesia's room for clothes since all of mine were back at my old house. She was nice enough to let me borrow her clothes until I got new ones but, I don't think that will be any time soon. I walked into the room to see Amnesia was still asleep but the lab doors were open. I crept past Amnesia and went into the lab. Once I got in there I saw Nightmare and Phantom playing with a strange animal. They were playing tug of war with the creature and they were losing.

"I think you made this one a little too strong," Phantom stated.

"I meant to do that, and besides the combination is supposed to be strong it's not meant to be something to cuddle with," Nightmare replied.

"Uh guys, I was wondering if one of you could show me which closet is Amnesia's since there are three of them," I asked.

"Sure, I'll show you," Phantom replied. He let go of the rope which caused Nightmare to lunge forward so the creature wouldn't take off with the rope. We walked out of the lab and back to the main room. He led me to the closet in the corner of the room.

"This is her closet," Phantom stated.

"Thanks, and what was that creature you two were playing with in the lab?" I asked.

"That was a panther, lion, and swan hybrid," Phantom explained.

"Swan?" I said confused.

"Yea, it has swan wings under it's fur but they won't function until the hybrid is a month old, and it's only a week old so we have to wait a while until it can fly," Phantom explained.

"Okay then... I'm just going to grab some clothes and go change," I stated. Phantom nodded his head and then walked back to the lab. I went into the bathroom to change and when I came back out Amnesia was awake.

"We need to get you some clothes. Not that I mind letting you borrow mine , but if you're going to stay here permanently you need to have clothes of your own. So should your friend," she stated.

"Well, what do you suggest?" I asked her.

"We could always go shopping. We have the day off today so I have nothing better to do," she replied.

"Okay, I'll go find Jessie and then we can go," I answered. I walked out of the room and started my hunt for Jessie. I made it to the front and heard Jessie's laughter. I walked into the main area and saw her and Fang laughing at something. I smiled at the scene. It was nice to see Jessie this happy.

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