Chapter 13

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Spider Monkey's mission took him almost a whole day for him to accomplish. He left early in the morning and returned at almost midnight that evening. Toxic and I escorted Spider Monkey to my room where we could talk in private about what he found on his mission.

"So, what happened?" I asked him. Spider Monkey was taking off his shoes at the time so he didn't answer me right away. Toxic looked like he was about ready to doze off in the chair and I was too.

"Well, I found out that the hunting dogs are searching for you and Misty. Killer is hunting you both down specifically to deliver to Titan," he answered. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I will remain calm.

"Is that everything you found out?" Toxic asked him.

"The only other thing I found out was that Titan keeps his father's old hunting dogs locked up in cells, along with prisoners of war. I got thrown in there myself because the groom caught me" he replied. I nodded my head and Toxic leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling.

"So, you were spotted?" Toxic said still gazing at the ceiling.

"Yes, but I did escape along with a prisoner who had given me a key that he had found one day while he was locked up in his cell," Spider Monkey commented. I nodded my head and Toxic didn't move. He was probably asleep in that chair. Realizing that was probably all there was I decided to let them go to their own rooms and sleep.

"Alright, both of you go to bed. It's been a late night for all of us. You two can sleep in tomorrow and Spider Monkey, you can have the day off tomorrow," I stated. Toxic and Spider Monkey got up and exited the room, and left me alone to be lost in my thoughts. I ended up dozing off in the chair and was woke up the next morning by my alarm clock. I jolted awake and switched my alarm off on my nightstand. My clock said it was 6:00. I groaned inwardly. I wished I had the day off. I threw on a clean shirt and pants and exited my room, shutting and locking the door behind me.

Misty's POV

"Misty wake up," Amnesia whispered while shaking me. I moved her hand off of me and sat up in the air mattress that I slept on in Amnesia's room. I looked at the alarm and groaned. 6:00 in the morning.

"Can I have five more minutes?" I asked. Amnesia laughed and shook her head. I fell back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

After a minute or two I got up and got ready for the day. When Amnesia and I were dressed we exited the room and walked out into the main room. Everyone was awake and eating breakfast. The room buzzed with chatter and laughs. Amnesia walked over to the island and grabbed a plate off of a hot plate. I did the same and sat next to Amnesia and Jessie.

"You look like your going to fall asleep in your food," Jessie stated.

"I didn't sleep very well last night. The air mattress has a hole in it so it's deflated and really uncomfortable," I replied. Jessie nodded her head and then changed the subject completely.

"Spider Monkey is back. He came home around midnight last night so he has the day off today,"

"That's good,"

I heard the door open and shut again and saw Steal coming in the main room. He looked like he hadn't slept to well either. He grabbed the last plate that was on the hot plate and sat next to Toxic and Nightmare.

"I'll be right back," I said laying my plate down on the coffee table in front of me. I walked over to Steal and sat down in front of him.

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