Chapter 20

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Misty's POV
Steal and the others had been gone now for a few hours. I was feeling a little worried about them. Steal never said how long he would be gone for. All he said was that he would hopefully come back tomorrow. The girls and I were in Amnesia's room waiting for our hybrids to be done. Nightmare had told us that he had gotten them done earlier than he thought he would. So, we waited in the lab for the hybrids to wake up.

"Misty, your hybrid is done!" Nightmare shouted at me from across the lab. I looked over at him and went over to the tube. The hybrid was still sound asleep when I walked over there. My hybrid looked small compared to the others. It was maybe the size of a newborn panther. The fur was a dark blue, black color, and the tail was of a rabbit's. The hybrid stirred in its sleep. Nightmare took a step away, giving the hybrid and I space. The hybrid opened its eyes to reveal bright silver eyes. My hand shook as I held it out for the beautiful creature to sniff. The hybrid didn't hesitate when I put my hand out. The creature immediately rubbed it's face against my hand and began to purr like a cat.
"The hybrid is male, and an omnivore," Nightmare stated.
"I'll name him Star," I told him. Nightmare nodded and wrote the name down in his book. He then went over to a different tube and repeated the process. I picked Star up, and he purred louder. After another hour or so, all of us had our hybrids. We had decided to take them to the main room, so they had more room to walk around. Star wasn't really the active type. He had played with the other hybrids for maybe ten minutes before he walked over to me and laid at my feet.
"Wow Misty, he is so hard to keep track of," Amnesia said sarcastically, looking down at Star.
"Hey, he played for a little bit," I retorted. Amnesia just smiled and laughed. I looked down at Star who was napping.
"So, when do you think they will come back?" Amethyst asked. We all looked at her. None of us really knew that answer.
"Soon," I told her. She nodded her head and looked back down at her hybrid that was currently in her lap. Jessie tapped me on the shoulder and pointed outside.
"Sooner than you think," she stated. I looked out the window and saw Steal and the other three in deep conversation, walking to the pit. I got up out of my seat and ran out the door. I ran out to Steal and hugged him. I felt his arms wrap around me and hug me tight.
"You're back early," I said to him.
"We ran into an issue earlier than I thought we would," He told me. We broke away from our embrace. I looked at him oddly from what he had said, but his eyes held no emotion that was giving what had happened away. We walked back inside, and Steal called everyone to the meeting room.

Steal's POV
Everyone was happy that we had returned earlier than planned, but a few were skeptical on why we were back already. The meeting room was filled with chatter as I waited for everyone to file in. After the last few had come in and sat down, I called the meeting to order.

"Okay everyone listen up!" I yelled. Everyone looked in my direction and waited for me to continue. "Now, I know you are all wondering why we are back so early. Well, we were captured by my father's tracker,"

"Red?" Fang asked. I looked at him and shook my head.

"No, Blu. Red's son," I responded. A flurry of conversation started up at the mention of Red having a son, because now there was another issue to deal with.

"Quiet down!" I shouted. The conversation died down, and everyone was staring wide eyed at me. "I have some new information for everyone. Red never took the job as my father's tracker. Blu did. So, Red has a different reason to be working for my father," I stated.

"Red helped us escape today and he is the reason we are home," Toxic stated. Surprised gasps filled the room. Red was a good guy? Or did he have a plan of his own to kill me? These questions were unanswered, and I wasn't sure I wanted the answer to them.

"Everyone should be on high alert. My father doesn't know our exact location and neither does Blu. Red is close to knowing though. So, everyone be on the lookout for those three. Understand?" I asked everyone. Everyone shook their heads. I dismissed everyone from the room except for Toxic and Kaviik.

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