Chapter 7

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The day had finally come for the Round Robin. The gang and I had trained the entire week and there is no way that we could possibly lose this fight. Everyone was outside facing the woods ready to take off for the House of Knights. The horses pranced and snorted in the grass, ready to gallop at a moments notice. I walked to the front of the group with Misty in tow. I stopped Dusk and stood next to Toxic who was on his horse Shredder.

"Let's go show those knights who runs the show!" I shouted back to my team. They howled in response and we kicked our horses into a gallop. My heart was beating out of my chest. Today was the day that we moved up in rank and beat that grin off of the House of Knights' faces. The horses galloped at an astonishing rate. Dusk lead the group and Toxic's horse Shredder kept up with no trouble. Misty on the other hand had dropped back and was running beside Amnesia. After a twenty minute ride the House of Knights building towered over us. I heard Demonai whistle at the sight. The place had gotten bigger since then. Their team must be bigger this year.  I dismounted Dusk and everyone led their horses over to the lean to area where the horses were kept for the teams that were visiting.

"Steal, I think we may have a slight issue," Toxic stated.

"Really, are you serious right now? I hope your joking because we can't afford an issue right now," I groaned.

"Well, I'm not joking. More teams are here then we had initially planned by the looks of the flagpole," Toxic claimed.

"How many teams are here?" I growled.

"Not counting us and the knights team... ten," Toxic mumbled.

"Ten! There was only supposed to be seven other teams! Who are the other teams that are last minute?" I hollered.

"Black Moon, Demon Child, and RockStar," Toxic gulped. I looked up at the flagpole to make sure that he wasn't joking. The three unexpected teams had their flags flying near the top.

"We're screwed!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air. "We don't stand even the slightest chance now!"

"We can't back out," Toxic stated.

"I know, but you know that two out of those three teams play dirty," I grumbled.

"Why doesn't the other team play dirty?" Demonai asked.

"They don't need to. Demon Child is ranked second behind the House of Knights," I explained. Demonai's eyes grew big at the statement.

Misty's POV

Steal, Demonai, and Toxic had been talking for a while. Well, it was more like Toxic and Demonai were talking and Steal was yelling hysterically.

"Is everything alright over there?" I asked Amnesia.

"Probably not," stated Phantom popping up out of nowhere. Both Amnesia and I jumped when he showed up.

"Could you not pop up out of nowhere," Amnesia growled smacking him on the arm. Phantom laughed at Amnesia.

"You know that didn't hurt," he stated.

"You know I don't care," she seethed.

"You two are adorable," I cooed. Both of them stared at me in confusion. Then Phantom broke out in a smile and looked over at Amnesia.

"Thank you for noticing our adorableness Misty," Phantom stated. He wrapped his arm around Amnesia and kissed her on the cheek. Amnesia's face turned to a bright red.

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