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2 years later...

A for sale sign being hammered into the ground echoes through the chaotic city. An old warehouse that had been ignored for years is finally getting the chance to be restored. I smile and admire the building. I had only stepped foot in this place once, but it was truly a wonderful place. I lowered the flag that hung in the window. The symbol of Midnight Hunters, two black arrows crossing each other, was tattered and torn from being moved around so much. I turned on my heel and began the trek back to my pit where everyone was waiting to see Jamaica's flag returned to her. Arriving at the pit, I noticed that it was unusually quiet. I opened the door and heard Toxic shouting something and I made my way down the halls. Eventually I noticed that they were making the final touches on the expansion that we had just done so both BlackBlood and Midnight Hunters could stay. After the war the temporary allies I had earned had become permanent and the friendship between the three of us became stronger. I noticed Eclipse and Jamaica standing on the catwalk observing their progress. I bounded up the stairs, flag in hand, and made my way over to the two leaders.

"Jamaica, I believe this belongs to you," I said handing the worn flag to her. She smiled and took the flag out of my hand. She faced the fighters below and howled. Everyone directed their attention to her. She waved the flag and her fighters went into a frenzy of howls and barks. I simply smiled at their small celebration of having their symbol back with them. She put the flag down by her side and looked at me.

"Thanks. I appreciate it," she said. I nodded my head in response and looked down at everyone. They had quickly gotten back to work on finishing. Toxic broke away from them and came up the catwalk stairs.

"Almost done. Everyone should have their own room tonight," Toxic stated to all three of us.

"Good," I said. Eclipse nodded, and Jamaica said nothing.

"Aren't you going to say something? I mean we put a lot of time and work into doing this for both pits. You could at least say thank you," Toxic exasperated. Jamaica walked over to him so both wolves were face to face. Toxic looked at her oddly and Eclipse and I were ready to break up a minor fight. Jamaica surprised all of us though. She kissed Toxic quickly and backed away from him, waiting for his reaction. Eclipse and I looked at one another in surprise.

"Does that count as a thank you?" Jamaica asked. Toxic chuckled and looked over at her.

"Yea, I suppose it could count," Toxic stated. Jamaica smiled and walked back to where she had put her flag. She picked it up and carried it over to where Toxic stood. She tossed the flag over his shoulders and rested it there. Both smiled and just as they were about to kiss again I interrupted.

"Get a room," I said. Both looked at me. Jamaica grinned while Toxic looked annoyed at my comment.

"Fine S, if you want us to," Jamaica said. She grabbed Toxic by the hand and waved at both Eclipse and me.

"That was a very good choice of words," Eclipse stated.

"Shut up," I growled. Eclipse laughed and looked back down at the wolves. I went back to where I had been standing and looked at everyone. It had all worked out well. The angel and demon borders were destroyed, and the two species were now one instead of two. I looked down at my ring and smiled.

"Remembering your wedding?" Eclipse asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Yea," I replied still looking at the ring. When the borders had fallen Misty and I had gotten married. It was the best day of my life, and just after my wedding Kaviik surprised everyone by proposing to Amethyst.

"A lot has changed since then huh?" He stated. I nodded in agreement. In the past year there had been a lot of marriages. Misty and I was one. The other was Kaviik and Amethyst. Then the last wedding was Fang and Jessie. There were some who were engaged, and the pit was planning on hosting at least three more weddings. Phantom and Amnesia in the fall. Prince and Royale in the spring and Eclipse and my sister Amber in the winter.

"When do you think Toxic and Jamaica are going to get married?" Eclipse asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Who knows with those two," I replied. I walked down the catwalk and went to Nana's to check on Misty. Just as I was about to knock a streak of white fur flew out of the room along with Nana shouting.

"Hurry back Opal!" Nana hollered. I shook my head at her. Nana had adopted Opal not long ago and since then the two had become inseparable.

"I'm guessing you came to see your wife?" Nana asked. I nodded in reply. She stepped aside to let me through. I walked into the small room that Nana had put Misty in. I stood in the doorway and looked at her sleeping form. Nana came around the corner and stood with me.

"That angel was the best thing that ever happened to you," she whispered to me.

"I know," I replied. I stepped back from the doorframe and went back to the door.

"Let me know when she wakes up," I tell Nana. She waves her hand and shoos me out the door. I quietly shut the door behind me and continued my walk through the pit. I eventually came to the back door. The sun beamed down on me. I put my hand above my head to shield the sunlight from my eyes. I walked a little further until I came to two large oak trees that had two headstones placed under each one. I sat between the two stones. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of the dirt and the trees. I could almost feel both Scorpion and Rocco's presence next to me. I smiled and opened my eyes. I got up off the ground and dusted off my pants that had some dirt on them. A howl echoed throughout the woods. I turned my head to face the trees. The rogues' leader stepped from the trees and stood in front of me.

"Border is safe and sound Steal," the rogue stated.

"Thanks Cobra, I appreciate it and the younger wolves that you sent to me are doing great in their training," I told him. He nodded his head, thanked me for the information, and stepped back into the trees. Almost instantly he disappeared from my sight. I walked back into the pit and sat in the main room. New pictures had been added to the room. Pictures of weddings, victories, and tributes of lost fighters. I took it all in. The future looked great for the pit.

All was well at the pit and the next generation of wolves slowly began to prepare for what their roles would be when they reached the age that they could become a fighter, leader, or a healer. All three leaders had pups, so the pits will stay in the family. Eclipse married Steal's sister Amber and had a little girl that they named Willow. Jamaica and Toxic had three pups, two boys and a girl. The two boys are named Poison and Archer. The little girl was named Roxie. Steal and Misty had two pups, a girl and a boy. The girl was named Georgia, and the boy was named Demonic.

The story has come to an end. And, I have a question for all of you, should I do a sequel with the next generation as the main characters? Of course, these characters will still be a major part of the story but they won't have the main role in the story. Let me know what you think. Also, a huge thank you to everyone who as read, commented, and voted on this story! It was the first one I posted on here and I'm actually surprised it got read as much as it did. Yea, I know it only has almost 500 views but that's huge to me! So thank you again to everyone! Please vote and comment on the story. Thanks for reading! And thanks for sticking with me and this story until the end! 


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