Chapter 8

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The fights had ended with House of Knights in first and us in second. I was proud of us. That was better than what we placed last time by three places. SkullCrusher had returned my siblings to me unscathed and I gained two new fighters, Scorpion from DemonChild and Spider Monkey from Monster.

"So, are we going to the pit?" Spider Monkey asked.

"Yea, we're gonna head back to get healed and rest," I responded. Spider Monkey nodded and then went back to talk to Scorpion. I heard my brother Kaviik and my sister Amber laughing at something or someone a little behind me. The family's all together. Misty had made quick friends with my siblings which I'm glad of. They all approved of her which made me happy and our relationship a little easier. Then again, I had never met her family, but I did meet Jessie and according to Misty that was close enough. We were almost back to the pit when I heard the trees loudly rustle. I looked ahead and saw a horse and rider burst from the trees and head straight toward us. I halted the group and watched the rider run toward us and that's when I recognized the rider.

Misty's POV

Jessie. She had tracked me down and now she had found me. I trotted my horse to the head of the group where Jessie and Steal were having what looked like a very animated conversation.

"Jessie," I said. She looked in my direction and burst out into a big smile. She walked her horse over to mine and hugged me from the side.

"So, this is where you ran off to," she stated.

"I didn't mean to run off. I did plan on coming back home, but then I started to like this place. So I'm kind of going to stay here," I explained.

"Okay, that's fine. I won't say anything as long as I can stay here too," she stated.

"I don't know if Steal would want another angel here," I replied.

"Don't worry Misty I already asked your worrisome boyfriend, and he was fine with it as long as I didn't do anything to alert the authorities or the hunting dogs," she answered.

"He did?" I asked. She nodded her head and then turned her horse so she was facing forward.

"Let's go!" She said excitedly. Steal rolled his eyes at her and spurred his horse into a fast paced trot. The group began moving forward again. I spent the rest of the ride talking to Jessie and Amnesia. Amnesia actually liked Jessie so the three of us became good friends. We arrived at the safe house a few minutes later. We dismounted from our horses and let them run in the field after we took the tack off of them.

"This is the pit? It looks kind of small," Jessie stated.

"It's bigger than it looks," I replied. Jessie looked at me weird but I motioned for her to follow me. We walked into the safe house and went inside. Everyone had already settled in and started to talk about the highlights of the fight. When we entered they stopped the conversation and looked us, but after a few seconds they got back to their conversation. Nana was also out there checking everyone out, and fixing up the wolves who were injured.

"Jessie, why don't you come and meet everyone," I said. She nodded her head in agreement. I walked her over to the huge group and introduced her to everyone. We spent the rest of the night chatting with the group. Jessie had even started to notice that everyone here acted like a family to one another and she said that she didn't blame me for wanting to stay here.

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