Chapter 24

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Steal's POV

The Street Kings pit rose early the next morning. The whole pit was ready for battle and waited for their leader to emerge from his room. I was inside my room pacing like a caged animal. Today was the day I faced my father and ended it all, and I was ready for it. Grabbing my weapons, I left my room. I met my pit and allies in the main room. All eyes were on me as I came into the main room. I looked at everyone, and I could tell that they were itching for a fight.

"Today we face the enemy! Today will go down in history as the day Titan died!" I trumpeted. Everyone howled and barked in a frenzied manner but quieted down at the wave of my hand.

"Everyone grab your mounts and be ready to march into battle!" I commanded. A chorus of howls and barks met my command, and everyone was off to the barn to grab their mounts. I was just about to walk out myself when I heard someone yell behind me.

"Try to come back alive!" I looked behind me and saw Nana standing by the door with Misty and Jessie. The three of them were staying behind along with Opal. They didn't have to fight in this battle, and they were safer here.

"I'll try," I responded. Nana gave me a crooked smile before she hobbled away and disappeared into the back hall. Misty and Jessie both quickly hugged me before they took off in Nana's direction. I went outside and jogged out to the barn. Noticing that everyone else was already saddling up their mounts I picked up the pace and made it to the stall of my hybrid Chaos. He was snorting and kicking at the stall door. Chaos knew what was going on and he wanted to go. I grabbed the saddle and bridle for him that had to be specially designed for him since a normal bridle and saddle for a horse didn't work for him. At the sound of the door opening Chaos stilled and he watched my every move. I put his tack on quickly and led him out of the stall. I mounted Chaos and spurred him to the front of the barn. Making my way to the front of the group I spun Chaos around, so I was facing everyone. Looking at everyone, I realized they were all afraid. Their eyes were glazed with fear as they anxiously looked at me and the wolves around them.

"I know that you are all afraid, but no one else is as brave as any of us. If it wasn't for us Titan would probably be running the Council by now, but because of us for once in Titan's life he has a challenge that he has never faced before," I explained to everyone. Red spurred his horse forward and came to stand beside me.

"Steal speaks the truth. Before I came to this side I was with Titan for a little bit. When you all announced that you were going to war with him, he was afraid. Although he never showed it, I could see it in his eyes. He didn't know what to do. This was the first time anyone had ever challenged him before," Red stated. A few murmurs went throughout the crowd. Toxic spoke next.

"If Titan is even the smallest bit afraid of us then he will be sloppy today. Maybe we will get lucky and we won't lose any lives," I glared sharply at him. Everyone was already afraid of the battle I didn't want them to think they would die in the first few minutes of the battle. Toxic returned my look.

"Let's move out!" I commanded. Spinning Chaos around, I spurred him into the woods. Chaos had no problem with galloping ahead of everyone. I would've let him run as fast as he wanted to, but I made him slow down so the rest of the group could keep up. Howls echoed from the woods.  Looking around I noticed a few of the local rogues running alongside us. I stopped Chaos and we stood in front of the pack of rogues. Their leader came out of the trees and stood beside Chaos's shoulder.

"I thought you might want to know that your father is already on the battlefield," he stated.

"What?" I hissed.

"He's been there for a while now, and his army is not small." The rogue stated. He looked behind me at our group. "Then again, you might outnumber him judging by the size of your army,"

"Thanks for the tip," I stated.

"Good luck. I know my rogues and your fighters haven't always gotten along but I hope you come out of this battle victorious,"

"Thank you," He patted Chaos on the shoulder and herded his pack back into the trees. We took off once more and I came to a screeching halt when I saw my father waiting on the field. He saw me burst from the trees and his eyes were full of anger. I gulped and looked back at everyone. Toxic, Red, and Kaviik came out of the ranks and came to stand beside me.

"Let's show him what we're made of pup," Red told me. Titan kept his eye on me the whole time. I returned his gaze.

"Have something to say to me father?" I shouted to him. A smile crept to his face.

"I hope you and your friends are ready to die!" he hollered back.

"I could say the same to you father!" I saw my father turn to say something to Killer.

"It seems you have gained some confidence!"

"I've gained confidence and you've gained fear. What's your point?" Titan's face became startled by my words. I smiled at this. Looks like I had hit something. I saw that he snorted in disgust. He turned to his army and shouted something that wasn't audible from my side. He turned his attention back to me.

"Charge!" Titan yelled. His yell took me by surprise, but I quickly recovered, and we were soon charging for Titan's army. I met my father's eye and charged for him. Small skirmishes broke out around me, but I was going for my father. Then he disappeared from my sight. Lost in the rage and chaos of battle. I snapped out of my determined daze and looked around me. Toxic was fighting hunting dogs and picking them off one by one. Kaviik was nowhere to be seen, but the fight that made my heart stop was Red fighting his own son Blu. I couldn't help but watch. Red had Blu pinned to the battlefield. Blu was struggling to get out of his father's grip but Red was stronger and more experienced in battle. I couldn't watch the two fighting to what seemed to be death. Chaos and I charged over there and separated the father and son duo. Red and Blu looked at me baffled.

"The only father and son that should be fighting is my father and I," I stated. "Red go find Kaviik,"

Red looked at me strangely, but he did as told. Blu looked at me oddly, but I quickly ran in the other direction, not waiting to hear what he had to say. Scanning the battlefield, I noticed that my father's army was larger than I thought it was. I didn't recognize half of them. Taking a closer look, I noticed that all of them fought like they were on a mission, but all of them were in a morphed state. Then I realized these were the dead fighters that Murder and Suicide had spoken of that day at the stream. I snapped out of my thoughts and scoured the battlefield for my father. He was on the edge of the field with Killer. With a demonic battle cry Chaos and I charged forward. The distance between my father and I closed quickly. Killer looked my direction and started to gallop his horse my way. I veered out of the way and avoided his hit. Killer wasn't my problem, not today. I lunged at my father and knocked him off his warhorse. His horse reared in fright and took off with Chaos chasing behind it. My father quickly got up and brought out a sword I hadn't seen before.

"Looks like it's just you and me now," I growled at him. My father growled back at me. I brought out my daggers. It was nothing compared to my father's sword, but it was better than nothing.

"Let's finish this then," stated my father. We both charged at one another. This was the beginning of the end for one of us. When I charged at my father I knew that only one of us was going to come out of this alive. Only one would be lucky enough to walk away from this fight.

A/N 😃
The battle is here and with that there are probably only two chapters left. The story will grow shorter because there won't be as many parts. Reason for that is I use to split chapters up and now I've gone back and just made them one chapter and that's why the chapters have got longer but there aren't as many parts... hope I explained that ok. Anyways, the pic up top are the two armies and I also couldn't pass the pic up because of the creature at the lead on the right side. It reminds me of what Chaos would look like. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!

-DragonStar 🐉

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