Yay Sleepover!

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Only this story. Sadly.
Chapter 2
Sunshine made it's way into your sleep through the window. You casually sat up, leaving a calm cushioned imprint on the bed. Kneeling over Mabel not wanting to disturb her, you sneak over the dreaming girl. She had slept with you last night not wanting you to leave her sight. A year a college makes an impact, You thought to yourself. Gently removing Mabel's clinked arm from your arm, you successfully made it downstairs to breakfast. Smiling to yourself while eating your favorite cereal, Dipper came out with a journal in his hand.
"Morning Bro!" You smiled. He smiled back.
"Hey, so uh I was wondering if you want to go on a mystery hunt today in the woods with Mabel and I?" He asked scratching his head.
"Mystery hunt?"
"You haven't noticed this town's weirdness?"He sat down now more intrigued in the conversation. You raised an eyebrow.
"I haven't even been here for one day." You exclaimed. He gave you a mixture of a questioned look and a pleading face.
"Okay, I'll go!" You stated as Dipper cheered and Mabel walked in. She started cheering for no reason other than cheering for no reason. You smiled once more, happy to be home.
You were at the store with Dipper and Mabel gathering supplies for the "mystery hunt" when you bumped into something. Someone. Your peered up meeting yellow eyes. "Jesus Will!" You yelped out of his arms. He smirked.
"Yellow!" His eye glinted.
"Umm Hi." You two stood there awkwardly for about two minutes before you broke the ice. "Do you need something?"
"Come to think of it, yes. I need a girl that can hang out at... say 5 o'clock!" He grinned wider.
"Was our meeting in the forest that special to you?" You teased. Before he left, you heard him whisper, "You have no idea." Spiders ran down your spine. You turned. "I never said I was free!" You called back.
"Didn't have to Hotsauce." He smirked once more and left.
You sat on a log with Dipper. Mabel was off petting a squirrel, while Dipper was flipping through the pages explaining stories of legends and myths about this town. You didn't believe in the supernatural and Dipper knew it. That is why the three of you were out "mystery hunting". As pages passed by of unfamiliar anomalies, one captured your eye. You placed a hand on Dippers wrist assuring him to stop page turning.
"Who is this?" You ushered to the triangle. Dipper frowned.
"Oh, Bill. He is bad news."
"He made Dipper go nuts!" Mabel shouted from behind and laughing at her pun.The squirrel bite her harder and she yelped.
"Bill Cipher is a dream demon. He can basically do anything as far I know. I have millions of theories and I'm pretty sure he is not part of this world." Dipper confirmed. "I have dealt with him twice. Wait! How do you know him?"
"Oh I don't know him. I just recognized the symbol from the window in my room." Your words calmed him.
"Thank god! I thought he was already messing with you. He likes to mess with this family if you haven't noticed." Dipper stood up. On the way back to the shack, Mabel grabbed your hand.
"And we can watch Dream Boy High and-" Mabel stopped talking noticing you being lost in you own thoughts. "Hey big Sis in there?"
"What, oh sorry. Umm what were you saying?" You said noticing you were approaching the Mystery Shack. Mabel sighed.
"Candy and Grenda, my best friends are coming over for a sleepover to meet you. Sleepover. Tonight. Understando?" Mabel and Dipper walked up the stairs. You were trailing behind them trying to focus on Mabel's words while studying the ground.
"Umm yeah sure, I will join your sleepov-" You were interrupted by the sound of a bicycle bell hitting you spine. You were unharmed but when your eyes focused, you saw Will bleeding on the ground with a rock sticking out of his head.
"Oh my! Umm Will!" You helped him up. He reached up to his wound then shrugged and smiled.
"Pain is hilarious! I'm fine!" Will tried to force a smile. You looked at him like he was insane. "I'm just kidding!"
"Ugh! Come here!"
You brought him into the house. After healing up his wound, you sat with him on the counter in the Gift Shop. You frowned.
"I'm so sorry! What are you doing here?" You asked. Will ushered to a clock. It read 5:24. You remembered the "hang out".
"Oh jeez. Now I feel worse that I forgot." Your head fell to your hands for support, no longer wanting to stay held up.
"Nah it's cool! I should apologize for running in to you."He smirked. You smiled.
And this was getting weird. You never noticed a guys smooth, silky, luxurious blonde hair that highlights his-. "No stop!" You thought to yourself. This needed to end but the possibility of showing him the door seemed harsh thinking of the whole rock in the head incident. Thinking of a way to make up to him, Mabel walked in with two girls.
"Sis! Dipper agreed to partay with us and this is Candy and Grenda and who's that hunk?" Mabel shouted pointing at Will. You blushed. He smirked. This was beginning to become a game. Mabel noticed your deepened colored cheeks and smiled harder. Then put on a questioned look again. "And why does he have a bandage around his head?"
"Umm guys this is Will. He's my friend. And we ran into each other. " You answered the questions in order. "We are also going to hang out, so bye!" You didn't want to join Mabel's party, so Will was your excuse. Mabel's grin grew a great length.
"Then he can come to the sleepover!" Mabel, Candy and Grenda all shouted. Will loved the idea of staying the night and you just blushed as the girls forced everyone into Dipper and Mabel's room.
"Yay Sleepover!' You thought. "With a stranger!"  

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