Man Beneath The Beast

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Everyone knows that.
A/n: This is the chapter you've been waiting for! *Wink, Wink* PLZ comment!
Warning: Very long chapter.
Chapter 6
You were siting on the floor reading a book. You were trying to get your mind of the events of the past few days. It wasn't working quite well. Your eyes wouldn't focus on any words. You sighed.
"Cupcake!" Bill screamed in your right ear. You jumped and dropped your book.
"Stop sneaking up on me." You said picking up your book and returning to the spot on the shelf.
"Why? You are fun to annoy." He pushed you up to your bed. You glared.
"What do you want?"
"Two things. One is to annoy you, the other is to check up on a certain deal we made." He booped your nose.
"Ugh! Why do you want me to tell Dipper and Mabel that I spend my days hanging with a dream demon that likes to torture this family?" You exclaimed. He looked puzzled.
"I don't see any harm in that." He answered.
"Of course you don't." You sighed.
"A deal is a deal hot sauce and I imagine you don't want to make me mad. " He smirked. "There's no where to run."
"What are you like when your mad?" You tried to distract him.
"You will find out if you continue to delay our deal." He pointed at you.
"I'm leaving." You got your jacket and began walking out of the house .
"I'm not leaving you alone. You are a wee little lady. You can't defend yourself." He knew you were strong. He also knew calling you not strong would tick you off. You walked faster.
"Stop following me!"
"Oh hot sauce. You're getting spicy!"
He followed you to the town. With only five dollars you went to go see a movie. Unfortunately it costed 12 dollars to go see one. Bill stopped you.
"Hmm allow me." He paid for two tickets.
"What would you like to see, sir?" He smirked. Oh no!
"Fashion Police 2!" He smiled. You blushed and tried to hide it. You failed.
"Come on hot sauce. We wait longer and that rash of yours will spread to the rest of your body." People turned and stared. You glared as you hid your face in his dress cape.
"Really Bill!" You glared harder.
"Oh you're lucky I didn't mention that itchy bruise you could never reach." He said loud again.
"Shut up!" I swear if he makes up one more thing-, your thoughts rambled as you sat down and the lights dimmed in the theater.
"One more thing? Okay! Hey Gravity Falls!" You placed a hand over his mouth. He stared into your eyes beaming. After an awkward staring contest your eyes diverted to the door.
"Bill look!" Your jaw dropped.
"Oh Pine Tree and Llama! Wow I didn't see that coming." He screamed.
"Would you stop screaming." The movie started. You took your cellphone out and snapped a quick photo of Dipper and Pacifica holding hands. "Mabel's gonna love this!" You sent the photo to her phone remembering her letter informing you of Pacifica.
"Wow look at you getting on the black mail train." Bill remarked.
"Well I want to get Mabel, Grenda and Candy off my back so they can obsess over another couple then you and me." Realizing what you just said
you looked away. His smirk grew and grew by day. As did your blushing.
When the movie was over you and Bill exited.
"That film is overrated." You ushered to the screen behind you.
"Says the woman that's favorite movie is the Lego movie." You elbowed him. He placed his hand in yours. Your mind shifted.
"Bill, how old are you?" You asked expecting a frown. He only smiled.
"Well, to put it simply, I'm older then human time because I can't answer that question in human years."
"Did you know Alexander the Great?" You asked a little more puzzled.
"Did I? I knew everyone! Including his 8 successors and the millions of sluts he slept with!"
"I'm just kidding about that last part." He concluded waving his hand. You laughed.
"So you are like... immortal?"
"You bet your toe I am! I know lots of things! Ask me anything."
"Alright. Umm... did you ever make a deal with George Washington?"
"No but I was responsible for taking all his real teeth. Those wooden one could never compare to the real ones!" Bill exclaimed. Once again, you laughed.
"Do you ever feel regret from all the humans you've messed with?" You asked. This made him pause.
"I'm obviously not human so I can't feel human emotions. Probably why I find everything amusing and like to mess to people." He didn't smile when he said this and neither did you.
"Why weren't you afraid when I showed you my true form.When I showed you the beginning of how I mess with people. Why haven't you left yet?" Bill asked you a question which switched around the conversation.
"I don't know. I mean Bill, I can see that your are sweet. You are flawed, but that's okay because you aren't human Bill. It's not your fault for being you and I guess I accept that. I can see the true Bill Cipher deep beneath the top hat, dress coat and smirk. And that's why I'm not afraid. I can see the man beneath the beast." You smiled. And whatever is closest to a heart, Bill's was warmed. You could make him feel real feelings. One would guess that's why he kissed you next. And why you kissed him back.
He glued his hands on your hips and embedded his lips into yours. Eliminating space between you two, you took of his hat and put it on your head. Your hands ran through his golden hair. He kissed you harder and you moaned. Embarrassed of the sound you opened your eyes. You had forgotten you were in public. He knew though and he laughed at your embarrassment. Bill then took your hand.
"Hmm. One more thing I want to show you tonight Cupcake!"  

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