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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls but I'm not chopped liver.

Chapter 17
He carried you a bit farther from were the opening would be. Bill wanted you nowhere near the Mystery Shack. Softly he placed you down. You weren't exactly on the ground but you weren't exactly on a bed. With a quick kiss on the cheek, he left you without a word. You were safe, and that's what he needed. You safe.
Phase 1: Gather
He flashed into the Mystery Shack and with a quick swipe, he encased Mabel into a barrier. A cage. It was numbered with a Shooting Star.
He continued this throughout the house with Soos, Wendy, Stan, and Pacifica; who had wobbled to the door to check on Dipper. He almost had everything he needed.
Making his way to the basement was easier then he expected. When reaching the bottom of the elevator, he braced himself as Ford noticed his presence.
"Bill! You have a human form? How did you get in?" Ford was scared. Rare.
"Oh you know, I have my loop holes." Bill exclaimed. Then he threw Ford against the wall and caged him. "Well that was fun."
Now just one last person.
"Pinetree! Yikes you look as shocked as that time I tried pizza!"Bill swore. Pinetree ran.
"Bill! What-?" Dipper was interrupted.
"Where is the rift? Let's make this quick." Bill leaned against a wall and smirked.
"No! Bill, what did you do? Where is Mabel, Y/n?" Dipper screeched backing to a wall.
"Oh come on hon, don't make me look for it!" Bill avoided answering Dipper's question.
"Is this it?" Dipper fell to the floor. Bill didn't want to answer.
"No, Pinetree. You will still live, You'll all live. That's what makes this fun!" Bill began chuckling as he found the rift with a wave of his hand.
"How beautiful. Billions of light years or galaxies trapped into a portal, I wonder what would happen if-?"
"Is Y/n okay?, Is Mabel?" Dipper pleaded.
"Mabel is in the same state you are in and Y/n-," He paused unsure of what to say. "She is alive, and she will be fine." With that, Bill enclosed Pinetree into his cell and walked away, his tailcoat drifting behind him.
He had two more.
Robbie was easy to lock away, but Gideon was harder. He threw a tantrum but Bill got his job done. He had gathered all he need.
Phase 2: Begin
To say the least, Bill was giddy. Like a child that just got his favorite toy on Christmas morning, an anticipated present. Bill danced outside, the night ever so gray. It mushed with gloom and blended dankly.
"Wow! We need some color!" And with that,
The piece, was drifted in beauty, a piece only Bill could admire, shattered into crystals and clear glistening images. The goop poured out like tar, a mind of it's own and Bill began to cackle, for he had won.
"This was it!" Bill boomed his voice over all. He had the power. He had the control.
The tar laced together with a might of horror, that was so deadly crafted, it would make Death itself cringe. It's sparkle of promise, as Bill saw it, gave screams of the past, some forget existed. Every nightmare grew a leg of it's own. Every crippled forgotten fear, drenched itself in blood and arose out of the dark. The creeps that crawled, the unimaginable hidden within shadows, revealed itself one by one, selfishly hoarding it's first breath. These creatures from hell, began to smile. Bill smirked and shouted as the goop arose into the abyss, and covered the once milky sky into an infinite nightly dark. His creature lifted it's hand; or attachment and colored the moon thick in tar. With a quick brush the next pawn moved, and gave the sun a coating of blood made out of wax. For this wax would melt, and pour blood from the sky, and Bill would watch with his one eye.
"Humans!" Bill's voice boomed into the night. "Run while you can, but you won't live long. I have come to destroy human kind! Your world will be gone. Join me now, you weak peasants, for you can become my pawns, and fade into non-existence!" Bill watched as some crippled into nothing at the sound of his very own voice. He laughed, then left creatures to Takeover!
Phase 3: Awaken
Bill moved all his cages to a lair, they would come to use. But before he could use his new toys, he needed to grab the thing he need most. You.
He flashed to your side, where he left you in the forest and picked you up bridal style. He flashed back to his new lair and placed you on a table in the middle of the room. The cells were formed in a circle... and you were in the middle.
Chaos afflicted outside. He could hear the screams. The ones out of joy. The ones out of fear. Any kind brought a smile to his face.
Bill smiled deeper. His Pawns were waking up.
Everyone was speechless. The floor was decorated in ciphers. Codes beautifully planned. No one knew what to say.
Except for Dipper.
"Bill! Why are you doing this?" Dipper asked with a death glare as strong as the creatures taking over outside.
"Why Pinetree, You were right! You are all my pawns. And I'm ready to play! Get ready Pines, You are about to play the deadliest game yet. One no one can win. One that will snap each of you like twigs. One that will break and shatter everything and nothing!"
He unlocked their cages.
Their eyes dropped into their heads.
Their arms drifted to the air.
Their recognizable traits were tossed away.
A swift wipe replaced their faces with symbols, each matching their place on the wheel.

They lost their humanity and gained their inner demons.  

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