All He Will Ever Be Part 2

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Lol!
Chapter 11
You stood awkwardly at the edge of the party. Here and there you'd chat with Mabel or Pacifica but Dipper wouldn't come near you. You were upset that Bill left you and Dipper was glaring darts into your eyes. Having enough, you went to the bathroom to wash you face. You looked in the mirror ,sighed, and began questioning your choices. What if Bill was just using you? All he will ever be......
You sighed again.
No. You knew this felt right. Bill was, Bill. To you he was, amazing. He mad you feel things that you had never even imagined experiencing. You smiled. You loved it when your good side took over. You walked back out and ran into a something.
"Oh! Hotsauce, why am I always running into you?" His hat was crooked. You smiled.
"Ha, Bill are you okay?" He fell into your arms.
"I'm spiffy, sweet cheeks." He grasped you arms. You squinted.
"I'm fine with Hotsauce and Cupcake but no sweet cheeks." You half glared. He half laughed. He was half aware of anything.
"You smell good!" He said softly. You blushed. His head was resting on your chest.
"Are you drunk?" You tried you best to help him to a chair in the hallway. He sat and took out a bottle.
"Sure!" He took a drink then rested it next to him. You slowly slipped it away from him and put it in the trash can not to far for him to notice. He probably couldn't see anything, You thought chuckling.
"I can see you!" He read your mind, then slowly placed his lips on yours. Before you could kiss him back he stood up. "Oh Hotsauce! Idea!" He drunk walked to the ballroom floor. "Let's make a deal. I already know you don't want to dance so," He paused. "So I will get someone else to dance with me, show what a good dancer I am, then you can dance with me."
You laughed and sighed. He seemed so harmless drunk. "Sure!" He tired his best to smirk.
"Dippppppeeeeerrrr!!!!!" Bill sang. Your heart sank. Dipper turned around as Bill grasped his arm and pulled him to the dance floor. Dipper stood their frozen.
"So this Pacifica! How is that working?" Bill shook his waist. Dipper tried to escape.
"Don't think I'm any less a threat just because I'm dating your sister." Bill half whispered. Dipper looked back for help. You wanted to help but it was actually.....pretty funny.
"I think personally, you are waaay better off alone. Or become a psycho path! Chicks dig that!" Bill ushered to you. You looked away.
Alright, I will be the bigger person, You sighed walking up to Dipper. You moved him aside. His eyes thanked you. You could tell as he walked away. He slouched. Maybe he felt sorry for earlier.....
Bill pulled you against him. "Why the sudden desire to dance, Cupcake?"
A pattern formed of footsteps, twists, and twirls. He was holding up well for being drunk. He wobbled as he spun you but the crowd was loving it. He paced you to beat. Steadily, your head fell into his chest. Bill being barley conscious and very drunk didn't notice but eventually he wrapped his arms around you. You sighed.
Ah yes Dipper, a rude, jerk he may be, but this wasn't mind control or a spell, it was .... love. This thought made you smile happily. The song had ended without you noticing and Bill took you outside.
"Hmph! I have a present for you?" Bill tried to find your figure as he sat beside you on a bench.
Yeah, Dipper. All he will ever be....

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