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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Did you think I did?
Chapter 5
"OWW! MABEL SHUT UP!" You heard Dipper scream.
"SSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS!" Mabel barreled into your room. A pillow found it's way to your ears.
"Mabel! Stop screaming!" You shouted trying to mute her voice.
"But look!" She held out a paper to you. You took it, read it, then put it in the trash.
"What! Why!" Mabel pestered.
"I meet Bi-...um Will a few days ago. I'm not going on a date." You concluded the conversation and tried to go back to sleep.
"But it doesn't say it's a date and -" Mabel pushed again.
"Fine!" She moped out of the room. And she was gone. Sighing you closed your eyes.
"BUT WAIT!" She danced back in. You through your pillow at her.
"You owe me a favor! You owe me a favor! Member, from truth or dare? GIRL CODE!"
"Really? You had to use the girl code?" You sighed. "Girl Code" was a sister pack Mabel made up. You and her honored it more then dibs.
"Fine, but just so you know I don't owe you anything now." You shook your head. Mabel squeaked.
"I'm choosing your clothes." She shouted which made Dipper groan as you passed him in the hall.
"Well! I'm up Mabel Happy?" Dipper screamed at her.
"No it's okay. I convinced her." Mabel smiled as Dipper went back into his room.
You took a shower. When your hair dried, you french braided it back down your head. Mabel dressed you in blue shorts with a bright pink tank top. This is way to bright, you thought. You had to admit that the colors did bring out your eyes. It was a nice change. You smiled and applied lip gloss.
"Thanks Sis, even thought yo woke me up at six by screaming in my ear." You smiled brightly.
"Any time!" She handed you a sticker. It read "You got this!" You tucked it into your shirt and walked into town.
Waiting at "the spot" was getting boring. The tree or fallen log you first met at when he gave you directions. Bill still wasn't there. I swear if Mabel made up this dumb hang out thing I-, your thoughts were interrupted.
"Ah! Bill!" He placed his arms on your shoulders.
"Yellow Cupcake." You laughed.
"I get that now!" He smirked.
"Guess what We are doing!" Bill put an arm around you. " We are going on a trip."
"Just take my hand!" You placed you hand in his. It was warm and it made you want to lean into the rest of him.
"There will be time for that later." He stated. Stupid thought reader, your mind wanted to scream and it only made his smirk become more grand. We are only friends, you reassured yourself. You didn't want to know if he read that.
He lead you to a house. It was small and run down. Worse then the Mystery Shack.
"Um, Bill? Why are we here?" Your grip on his hand tightened as you entered the house. A loan man no less than 80 pounds sat in a rocking chair. His hair was groan to his hips and his hands creaked with every hand motion. The man didn't move.
"Is he okay? Is he dead?" You questioned. Bill didn't answer.
"This friendship thing, or whatever this is..." Bill didn't like being nervous. He was always confident. You made him rethink everything he stood for. In a way it frustrated him. " I want you to know what you are signing up for." He walked up to the man and Bill's eye rolled back into his head. Bill's body faded away as the man stood up with yellow glowing eyes.
"Bill! What did you do to that man?" You screeched.
"A deal is a deal." Bill's endless half grin returned.
"Is the man sleeping?"
"His soul is lost in the mindscape. When a spirit crosses into my realms, I simply take over. He was delusional enough to make the deal though. So I'm not the bad guy here. Currently he is wandering way too far in my realm. He probably will die." Bill winked.
"Bill this is wrong. Go to your own body." You pushed. He considered the offer then a fire ignited in his eyes. He had totally set this up knowing you would defend the man. What was he playing at? What does he want?
"Why, this is me?" He started singing the Demi Lavato song."How about this. I will let this poor, innocent. not guilty, naive, pure old man back to his realm, in trade you make a deal with me."
Your thoughts said no. Then they began to battle.
He will trick you.
But that man. Poor old man.
He will just use you.
That man probably has family.
You are a pawn in a game.
Bill doesn't care about you.
What if the man is suffering? Did Bill torture him?
Bill will use you like this man.
What is the point. Sacrifice. Bill can help.
This will end badly.
I... trust you.
"What do you want?" You spat.
"Excellent! I want you to tell your Mabel and Dipper that "Will" is actually Bill and that you are meeting me at the Gravity Falls County Jail. Shake on it and this man will be free from my grasp."
I Have to!
It is a little price for an innocent man.
Your hand slowly took his and the blue flames sealed the deal.  

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