Advil Wont Work This Time

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  Disclaimer: Knock knock, who's there, Not the owner of Gravity Falls!
AN: Tell me. Yae or Nae in the comment on adding in Dipcifica
Chapter 4
You awoke on the floor. Stressed, you achingly stood up and went to the bathroom. Dipper was probably with Wendy. Mabel, Candy and Grenda were passed out on the living room floor while Gruncle Stan and Soos argued over the TV. You walked back upstairs. Turning on the shower and locking the door, you showered. It didn't help the migraine that was building into your skull but the shower calmed you. You didn't want to do anything today. In fact, getting into sweats and sitting down to watch your favorite show was perfectly suited for the morning.
After a few hours of too much Netflix, you dreaded getting up. You knew you needed to stretch your legs but they wouldn't move. A hard fought battle took place but you eventually made you way down stairs too make a sandwich and check the cupboards for Advil. With no luck, you left the shack in need to stop the now throbbing and discomforting head pain.
"Gruncle Stan I'm going to town." You called back as the door creaked shut.
"Be safe or whatever!" He called back jokingly still engrossed in the TV.
On any other day, the day would have been perceived beautiful. But the pain was agonizing.
The sun rays increasing the squint in your eyes and stressed facial expression was visible.
I wonder if I drank and this is some sort of Hangover, Your thoughts rumbled which only worsened the pain. Walking into a store and buying Advil and some water seemed like five days. After searching and sitting down on a bench, the water was chugged down with two pills. With thirty minutes passing and still no effect, your eyes began to close. This is the worst pain I've ever felt, You thought. Feeling like your brain was going to give out you decided to take a walk. When far away from the town and distanced from the Mystery Shack, you gazed into the eyes of the pine trees. The forest had less color then the town which relieved your head by a half penny. Dreading life, your legs gave out and you fell to the ground. Looking up at the sun and not having the energy to get up, you closed your eyes. They felt dense. Drifting slowly away from reality your pain spread to your veins. It wrapped you up like an electrical blanket that vibrated, put on too high. Slowly. Drifting. Away.
"Woah! Cupcake!" A familiar voice placed a hand on your head which felt more than calming. At your weakest, you curled into his arms.
"Bill." He corrected.
"Just... hold... me." He smiled. Your eyes closed and he could tell you were sleeping. Peacefully and gracefully your head eased it's battle. He then woke you up. Classic Bill.
"Why were you lying on the ground in the middle of the woods?" Bill asked carrying you to a bench.
"I... Headache." You voice flickered like light.
"Right so uh, wait what?" Bill asked again.
"Throbbing... " You pointed to your head still curled in his arms. They soothed you. Despite the pounding in you head, you felt safe and out of harms way in his arms.
Wow that is ironic, since he is a demon. You thought. He laughed.
"It is ironic!" He laughed again. "Oh wait. did you say headache." He frowned. This made you frown. Does Bill Cipher frown?
"Occasionally, when things don't go my way and it's cute but stop thinking. It's making the torture more real." He took of his top hat, clearly thinking deeply.
"Torture... real?"
"Hmm, sometimes, when I enter Human minds it can leave and affect or imprint. Ha I forgot about that!" His smile returned. You wanted to slap him.
" It could get worse or better and I could tell you but I want something from you." He leaned down to your face. A tear fell from your cheek.
"Bill...please..." Your eyes began to flutter. Your ears shook. A surging pain traveled down from your spinal cord into your nerves. Shock erupted and it was visible. Your body glowed a pale blue.
Bill thinking quickly placed his hand over your forehead. Slowly the pain went away. It was like taking uncomfortable heels off that tore into your flesh. Eased and relieved you sat up still on his lap. Your eyes locked his and your head bobbed to his shoulder.
"Bill... Thank you." You sighed and the two of you sat on that bench merely discussing everything and anything until dusk. He walked you back to the Shack hand in hand.
"I will see you tomorrow." He brushed his lips against your ears and said goodbye. Relaxed and calmed you went upstairs. Mabel probably had questions on your whereabouts from the day but they could wait until the morning.   

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