Experiments And Experiences

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. I do own my disclaimers though. They are fun:)
PLZ cOMMENT! They brighten my day!
Chapter 14
Previously on There's Nothing to See Here Folks

"Alright Dip- stick, we promised Grunkle Stan that we would be home by now. Bye guys." Mabel and Dipper walked off.

Imitate me
watch the world go round
Imitate me
until you hit the ground

Imitate me
melody and all
Imitate me

then they slowly fall

With a drift sweep, you fell into his arms and closed you eyes. Your necklace glowing a soft blue.

Your eyes slowly opened. Bill was by your side.
"Y/N!" He rushed to your side when you sat up.
"Um?" You began to ask what happened but decided against it.
"You are finally awake!"
"Uh? Yeah?" You didn't recall what he was talking about. He noticed.
"Listen. I have to go and also your family made you lunch downstairs. See you later hotsauce!"
You sat up a little wary. You sat there for a while trying to remember last night. You, Bill, Mabel, and Dipper had trick or treated. Then, you had left Bill and went home with your siblings.
What were you so worried about?
Meeting the family downstairs, you sat down for sandwiches. Dipper and Ford were last to arrive.
Ford glared.
"Y/N? You are dating Bill, correct?" Ford asked while Mabel fangirled and Grunkle Stan pretended not to hear.
You paused before answering. "Yes."
"And do you know what Bill is?" He pushed.
"He is a dream demon that uses people without a second thought. He mind manipulates, lies, cheats and uses his powers to do so. One should NEVER make a deal with him." You concluded. He looked shocked.
"So why?" Ford took a drink out of a Coke can.
"Because I can see through that." You wanted to keep this short. Dipper was staring at you quite harshly. Ford sighed.
"Is this a girl thing? Y/N, Bill uses people. He used me. That's why I built the portal and lost one of my biggest friend." Ford ushered. You saw Grunkle Stan twitch out of the corner of your eye.
"All I am saying is he is probably using you right now." He ended. You shrugged. Lunch went on without a word from Ford.

Did Bill feel remorse about lying to you? Giving you false memories. He actually did.
It didn't matter. He felt that using you was necessary. He needed to know if the necklace worked and now he knew.
Were you just an experiment?
He could practically hear an argument stirring with Y/N.
No! The good thing was that you only remembered going home with Mabel and Dipper last night at curfew.  

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