Words Never Spoken Before

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls owns me.
Chapter 12:
"This better not be another hotsauce cupcake!" You shouted.
"No not this time. It's a gift....."
"You already said that,"
"Alright, just-" You tried to reason with him.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" He was screaming louder then Stan when Ford brought a ladder into the house.
"Bill! Shh,"
"Happy Birthday!"
"It's not my birthday. Did you get more alcohol?"
"Umm that's... not important. What is, is...... is?" He was lost in his own world. That's an ironic metaphor, You thought. "I got you this!" He held up a single rose pendant. It smoked blue. You smiled accepting the gift and he hooked it around your neck.
"Bill, were did you get it?"
"That's not important either. It's just a little gift I um... made." He smiled giving you his hand. You two decided to take a walk.
The brisk evening was soothing. Hand in hand, you gracefully guided Bill down a path since he wasn't stable enough himself to walk. He kept rambling on about nothing and everything.
"and so you could say I was part of his assassination but honestly it was totally the CIA." Bill just kept talking and talking. Reaching a bench, you raised your hand to cover his mouth.
"Bill, tell me another time." You stopped him. He squinted at the glistening waters of the pond. He queried you whereabouts but shrugged it off instead.
"Hmm alright. Let's pass the time by truth or dare."
"Excuse me?" You breathed a little louder.
"Truth or dare?" He pushed.
"Um, alright, truth," You couldn't imagine what Bill would dare you to do, so you took a safer route.
"Could you tell me any of my weakness's?" He adjusted his sitting position, intrigued in your answer.
"Clearly, alcohol!" You exclaimed. He laughed.
" I have a few more. But nothing that compares to you vulnerable humans." He waved his hand.
"Alright truth or dare, Bill?" You asked as he scooted closer and with his alcohol breath, he whispered, "dare", into your ears.
"I dare you to go jump into the pond." You concluded. He smirked. Getting up, he ripped of his tuxedo like Tarzan and jumped in. You were splashed.
"I dare you to come in with me!" He shouted from five feet away. You shook your head. He then gracefully got out as you meet him at the dock. He dripped from every edge. He smirked." Oops!"
You sploshed in before you realized he pushed you. He then joined you in the pond.
"Bill! It's freezing!" You screeched. He wrapped his arms around you.
"I forgot you can feel the cold. Better?" He comforted you as you shivered on his shirtless chest. You didn't want to move away. His arms around you felt... safe. It felt as if, a comforting cage was barricaded around you. Your hands wove into his hair as you glared up at him.
"Thanks for the shove," You barely let out being so nervous. He forced your eyes to his.
"You just needed a little push!" He concluded. You wanted to slap him but decided against it. Your legs laced onto his hips without your notice. Then, very slowly, his hands found his way to your thighs to support the position he was holding you in. Warm tissue lips were placed on your neck. You gripped each other harder as his lips found yours. You had kissed people before, but not like this. People tasted like salt, but Bill tasted... alive. Your figure relaxed, as did his.
This went on for awhile until he released your lips for breath.
"I love you Y/N." Bill spoke. Your eyes said it back. His glistened yellow before returning to kissing you. Words never before spoken...

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