All He Will Ever Be Part 1

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  Disclaimer: I totally own Gravity Falls. *Sarcasm*
Chapter 10
You felt a jab on the shoulder. Then rustling on the wrist.
"You aren't going to like that I went looking through you memories but obviously I couldn't help it. You were too young to attend Prom so you never went. You dreamed of it though," Bill put an arm around you. "Let this be your prom." He ushered to the blue roses he had tied to your wrist. You deepened pink at the gesture and the refreshed memory of attending High School at 13. When your eyes finally focused, you analyzed his attire. He wore his usual dress coat, all black. But this time, Bill's dress shirt was blue, matching you dress. He pulled out a gold cane from nowhere.
"Shall we?" His question erupted a smirk. You took his hand as he lead you into the heart of the ballroom and handed you a drink. "I believe we never formally met. I am Sire William Cipher. And you?" He bowed with his hat. You giggled curtsying.
"Lady Y/N Pines." You replied as his smirk re-appeared.
"Pines? What an unusual last name. Sure a lady of your elegance has an explanation, no?" Bill was still playing the fancy gentlemen card.
"Yeah. I'm related to a con man, a dimension traveler, a mystery hunter, and a pig lover."
"Quite the assortment. And what of you? Sure an 18 year old college grad knows what she is doing." He eyed you like he was peering into you mind. Like he doesn't know the answer, You thought.
" Mr. Gentleman, honestly, I don't know. I guess I am interested in becoming a librarian but farther then that..," You shrugged.
"I will keep that in mind and for your information I am always a gentleman." He stood up proudly. You smirked and puffed air into your chest. You stood up straight.
"Are you imitating me? "He poked you chest, teasing.
"Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!" You spoke this in a gruff man voice. He laughed. His eye glimmered. You glanced at the eye patch.
"Why do you cover up one eye?"
"This eye sees into other dimensions. It's quite annoying to hear and see everything sometimes, so I cover it up." He pointed to the eye patch. You were about to continue when you heard someone call your name.
"Y/N!" You recognized Pacifica's voice. You and Bill walked over. "Do you know where Mabel is?" She asked looking around.
"Yes, I will show you where she is." You and Pacifica took off leaving Bill and Dipper alone together. Dipper kicked his foot.
"Hey man," Dipper half glared. He had his suspicions about "Will". Bill laughed.
"You are really smart," Bill smirked. "Pine tree." He added on the nickname like spice.
"No...?" Dipper jumped back.
"Relax beetle food. I am in no way hurting her." Bill assured Dipper.
"You will. Just like you always do. She can't... are you mind controlling her?" Dipper wanted to scream.
"No! She actually likes me." Bill said a offended. Dipper wouldn't take it.
"Yeah I doubt that. You can't feel human feelings. Besides no one could ever love you, Bill." Dipper's words caused Bill to tint red but before his angry side could take over, he calmed. Y/N's words calmed him. No, you wouldn't want him to get made at your brother.
"Pine tree, you've already ruined plans for me before, just leave this one alone, please. She was going to tell you about me, you know?" Bill almost said this sadly.
Before Dipper could reply, Y/N returned. You could sense something was different but you didn't know what. Dipper was avoiding eye contact.
"Him?" Dipper looked into your eyes. Bill's grip tightened on your hip. "Bill! Out of all things? Really Y/N? Why?" Dipper glared. Anger fluttered through you. Bill's hand left you side but you didn't turn away.
"I can't explain it. You hate Bill, and yes we are together..... but how is this any different with Mabel. She hates Pacifica and you are with her!" You shouted.
"That is totally different! Bill is... he is unimaginable. Y/N, I want to protect you. We have all been played by him. You are so much more smart to let him him use you! Y/N! Think!" Dipper shouted.
"I am thinking-"
"Yeah, probably mind control," Dipper stomped.
"Dipper! You are being such a jerk. Why can't you be supportive. Why can't you at least let me explain?" A tear ran down your cheek.
"Explain? He is a demon! A Demon!"
"Yes, I know. I know he is terrible," You screamed.
"Then why are you with him?"
"Because Dipper. I can see good." You tried to reason.
"Good? He tried to kill me. He raided Gruncle Stan's mind. He messes with human. That's all he will ever be! A demon!" His words slapped harder by the minute.
"That's it, though. I can see good. You can't."
"I'm not under a spell. You are!"
"It's not a spell." You were crying harder now.
"Right, more like poison." Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Dipper! You trusted Bill once. Why can't you again?"
"Y/N. Trust? If he is so trustworthy, where is he right now?" Dipper crossed his arms. You wiped away your tears. You then scanned the ballroom. Bill stood out enough to blend in, but his famous gentlemen like wear, was nowhere. Before you could say anything to Dipper he walked away. You were about to follow him when you heard a crinkle under your foot. You picked up the note.


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