Truth, Pizza, and Dreams

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Honestly its way better off with Alex Hirsch as the owner.
Chapter 3
"Okay, Grenda truth or dare?" Mabel screeched.
"Truth!" Shouted Grenda with her manly voice.
"Do you sing in the shower?"
"You mean like this?" Grenda got up. She turned on the water in the bathroom and sang at the top of her lungs. She then came back in the room drenched in water but a grin still remained on her face.
"Wonderful! Okay Grenda you ask now!" This went on for a while. Mabel was doing her normal girl thing, going insane over crushes and what not. After what was forever, Mabel eyed her next victim. You were her prey.
"Sis! Truth or dare?" Candy and Grenda looked like they were apart of this plan.
"Dare." Your replied, dreading what came next.
"I dare you to tell Will about the time when Dipper and I were six, and you were 12 and we went to that dance and you meet that guy and you did that thing!" Mabel made millions of hand motions.
"What?" You blushed. You could tell she was making this up. Even Dipper gave a questioned look. Will eyed you. Those deep, yellow eyes with glistening glimmers of- NO! You didn't even know the guy and you already were daydreaming about him.
" Are you a chicken?" Mabel yelled. "Fine you owe me a favor." She concluded the game at that and you were happy to be off the hook.
"Kids! Pizza!" Gruncle Stan yelled from bellow. Everyone rushed down stairs to eat, each getting a slice. Will reached but hesitated. Everyone had already sat down but the two of you.
"You okay?" You questioned at his dramatic hand pause.
"Maybe, it's just, I've never had pizza before." Will concluded. You almost dropped your plate.
"What! Why? Nevermind just try it." You handed him your slice. Smirking he took it and took a gulp of cheese. You laughed as his eyes lite up. Those eyes, brighter then the yellow on the pizza and- NO! Ugh why?
Just what I want! Daydreams! Your thoughts battled.

Mabel danced with Giddy. Of course she was watching the whole pizza debate. Your eyes locked with Will's. Mabel wanted to scream. "THE SHIP IS SAILING! FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT!" But before Mabel knew it, her legs gave out and she fell out of her chair completely fangirling over You and Will.

You jumped. Will didn't. He looked as if he was laughing.
"I'm okay!" Mabel got off the floor.
You sat on the floor with Will, since all the seats were all taken.
"Wait your telling me you've seriously never had pizza before now?"
"Correct you are, Hotsauce."You blushed at the nickname. He smirked.
I swear he is making a game out of this, You thought.
"Why do you call me that?" Your words were hard to spit out. Deep down you were furious at this because you were never shy.
"Ha! Why do you think?" He paused. "Your saucey, and hot." Your girl dreams melted into your cheeks.
Moments of silence passed.
"How did you find me in the woods?" Questions erupted in your head. Will was about to answer when Mabel yelled, "Movie Time!"
Clamped in the living room, the five of you began watching Dream Boy High. And it was TORTURE! Dipper already was sound asleep from the boredom. Will was next to you. Unknowingly, you head bobbed and found his shoulder. Before you drifted away he placed an arm around you. Softly, your dream began.
Bill or "Will", waited until the girls were done fangirling over You and him. He set you down in your bedroom, then he entered your dream.
You sat in an creaky unstable chair. The chair belonged to a place called a Library. It was the colleges library. You spent most of your time there during school hours.
Books piled upon books, pages fluttered and your wee little glasses made the scene. Bill placed a hand over the sentence you were on.
Once again, he was wearing his formal yellow and black suit.
"Will-" You began. He shook his head. Puzzled, you closed your book and stood up, placing your reading glasses to the side.
"Allow me to introduce myself Cupcake!" His cane appeared in his hand. "The names Bill Cipher. And yes I am in your dream."
He had expected you to be shocked. You only smiled.
"So my brother isn't crazy. You are real. Wow! A demon!' You studied him.
"Wait, you're not scared?" He asked. You shook your head as your heart skipped five beats at his eyes. Glimmering eyes. Well, eye
"Thank you! Yes I can read thoughts. How about now? Scary?"
Once more you shook you head reminding yourself not to think so he couldn't read. He ushered a hand to the nearest "horror" book and waved his hand. A fierce fire lite creature popped out snatching at air. It began walking around.
"Scared now?" He smirked. Fear lite in your eyes.
"YES! THAT THING WILL LIGHT THE BOOKS ON FIRE. STOP IT!" You yelled. He put the creature back into the book.
"You really aren't scared?" Bill questioned again in total awe.
"Bill, I don't judge people until I truly know them."
He then transformed into a triangle form, testing you once more.
"Awe! You are adorable!" He sighed not knowing what to think of the situation. When revealing himself to Humans, they always freaked, some were lucky to not pass out. Bill, being Bill, smiled. Everything was amusing to him and this human just became his next prey. "Alright, sweet Dreams Cupcake, and remember Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYEEEEE!"

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