Pacifica, Parties, and Plans

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Poop, Heck, Darn! Also check out my alliteration on the title!
Chapter 8
You were waiting on Mabel. You had no clue what your little sis was up to, but it was taking hours.
"Mabel! Hurry up!" You shouted up the stairs. She pounded down them.
"LOOOOOOOOOOKKK!" She showed you the photo you took of Dipper and Pacifica at the movies.
You smiled. "We need leverage just in case he tries to blackmail us." You held your fists up as you spoke. "So what are we doing today?"
"Follow me!" Mabel ushered you around the shack to a corner. As Mabel shushed you, your eyes focused.
"Are we seriously spying on Dipper?" You asked with a doubtful glare.
"Yesh no! Just watch." Mabel left the corner as you stayed hidden. "Yo bro bro! Do you have a GIIIIRRRRLLLLFRRIIIEENNNDD?" Mabel screamed. Dipper glared.
"No. Why?"
"I've heard out of the grape vine, that you have a crush!" Mabel once again danced dramatically . Dipper blushed.
"No. We are not playing the na-"
"Name game!" She cued you from your corner.
"Wendy? Candy? Grenda? Lazy Susan?" You and Mabel obsessed.
"Eww. Lazy Susan?" Dipper questioned with a gross look.
"How about.....Pacifica?"
"We are just friends." Dipper said looking away. Speak of the devil.
Pacifica walked up to your group.
"Hey Mabel. Umm, Y/N, Right? Pacifica asked holding her hand out to you.
"Yeah. Hi!" You smiled. She smiled back.
"Well we are off to the mall. Catch you guys later." Pacifica and Dipper walked off.
"So Mabel, what are we doing today?" You turned to Mabel.
"I am helping you find a date." She exclaimed loudly. You blushed."
"Umm no! Why?"
"Marius and Grenda are throwing a party and Grenda said everyone must come with a date." Her eyebrows danced. "So hows abouts Will! You still talk yo him, do you now?"
"Yes but I don't want to go to a party." You shrugged.
"You're lying! You love party's. You just don't want to go ask Will. It's cool sis, I will ask him," Mabel smirked. You barely noticed smirks now because of Bill's constant dashing looks.
"Uh, no, I-"
"Yellow." A familiar voice boomed. No! Bad timing.
"Hi Shooting star and Hotsauce!" Bill said. Mabel's jaw dropped a few feet.
"Hotsauce? Shooting Star? Wait, Will is actually Bill?" Mabel's eyes were as wide a whales.
"Don't freak out," You assured to Mabel.
"Are you guys dating?" Mabel's eyes brightened.
"Yep!" Bill concluded with an arm around you. You wanted to smack you face.
"Woah! Y/N has a date. And he is also a dream demon. and I'm calling Grenda!" Mabel screeched in shipping mode. She ran into the shack, already dialing the number.
"Eww, that monster?" You heard Bill say under his breath.
"You just had too?" You asked him. He smirked.
"I just had too." You sighed at his outburst. He began to defend himself. "Hey! At least I didn't tell Dipper. His reaction would've been WAY worse. And what is this whole date thing?"
"It's a party that apparently we are going to." You said. His eyes dazzled.
"Oh! A party!"  

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