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  Disclaimer: Tell me in the comments if you thought I owned Gravity Falls. I don't.
Chapter 7
"So what is it?" You asked him. He had you blind folded. Honestly, it was making you nervous. He kept making little chuckles as he walked you around town.
"Okay. Ha! Remember Our deal?" He asked.
"Oh Lord!"
"He! Take of the blindfold." You took it off and met a sugar smoky smell to the nose.
"You don't have to tell your family I'm Bill if you eat this. Honestly I just wanted to see their reaction but I decided seeing your reaction to eating this would be so much better." He said waving the blob around.
"What even is it?" You asked wanting to poke it with a stick.
"A sweet savory CUPCAKE with only the most richest of frosting's drenched in the worlds hottest HOTSAUCE!" He was laughing so hard at his use of food combined with the nicknames for you.
"You've got to be kidding me. I-," You were lost of words. Rubbing your temples, you gathered all your courage.
"Fine give it to me." He looked surprised as he handed you the cupcake thing. "Do I have to eat the entire thing?"
"Hmm... Tell you what. If you eat the entire thing I will get you a carton of milk to chug down. You don't eat the whole thing, you are own you own, hon." He smiled at this ability to make the situation even more interesting.
With everything you have, you cautiously swallow the entire cupcake in one bite. You immediately start choking and Bill immediately starts laughing. The fire sizzles down you throat. You can feel it bubble with flame. "This feels like licking fire!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.
Bill stood there intrigued and puzzled.
"What an interesting way of torture!" Bill exclaimed thinking about tongues and fire. You gasped and slapped him. He only smiled harder. "Alright here's the milk." He popped the lid from his worm hole and handed it to you. You drank the thing as he timed you.
"Wow! Hotsauce, 30 seconds! Okay, I will walk you home now!" He took you hand and began leading you home as you were still choking. When you reached you house, the fiery had settled down. you sighed.
"You are insane Bill."
"Aye! But you had fun?" He winked at you.
"Huh. Yeah I did." You admitted defeat. And before you new it you were pushed up against the wall. His hands traveled to your hips and despite being mad at him for the cupcake, you kissed him back. This went on for a while until you broke apart for breath.
"Oh yeah. I forgot you humans need to breath." Bill demonically smiled into your eyes. You laughed. "Goodnight Bill."
"Goodnight Hotsauce."  

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