Silent Words Can Change Everything

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls but I own this story. = a practical disclaimer
Chapter 19
The ground shook rapidly as pieces of the sky fell to the ground. Gaping holes were left in the sky where one could see stars and comets and the galaxy drizzling into the Earth. It filled Bill up with amounts of adrenaline that was too massive for one human to experience. His eyes dilated with a shivering tremble and his hands wove into the sky. He was winning!
He wanted so much to share this experience with you.
But you were asleep, His thoughts churned. He wanted you to see your Earth fall like shattering glass. Bill began to fantasize your reaction to this. He dreamed of the way your eyes always lit up when you speak.
Unknowingly while thinking about you, he released a extra snazzy trap. Holes opened in the terrain of Gravity Falls. Holes that showed ones greatest love. The thing they love most. The hole beckoned humans towards it until they fell in. There loved ones would turn into monsters, and traumatize the human until death in this illusion. Nearly no one escaped.
Bill called it "Falling in Love"
At the time of it's creation, it was a great idea but as it lead him towards itself, he felt regret of ever building it's existence. You were smiling up at him in the hole. Telling him great stories. Your eyes shattered his heart. They tore into him because your eyes looked at him like he wasn't a monster. He could see the nightmares already. You would turn on him.
" You monster! Look what you have done! I hate you! Ford was right!"
You screamed at him until a tear fell from his eye.
But he didn't care.
This wasn't you, you were in his lair.
He turned and ducked back into his lair. Right?
He couldn't feel your presence anymore and that frightened him. Bill turned another corner to find you gone.
A heaving gap made its way to his stomach.
It felt as if his whole world shook, while yours shook with it.
Tears sprang from your eyes faster then the speed of light. Was this the end?
Your legs shook harder from sheer shock. This was the end. Wasn't it?
You wanted to fall to the floor and crawl into a ball. But you couldn't. Not just because of the paralysim, but because you had to do something.
As opportunity approached, Bill's "pawns" let you go. You just fell.
So you ran.
Well, rolled since your entire body was paralyzed except for your arms. When you stopped at the bottom of a hill, you tried to get up but it was worthless. Your arms tried to push falling debris out of your way but before it registered, you were surrounded in a tunnel of dust and rocks. With no hope of moving. Or screaming.
Darkness wrapped you up. It enclosed it's thorny arms around your plush weak skin leaving cuts and bruises. You conciseness flickered at the edges of your gaze. Your reality was slowly fading. You couldn't breath. Your lungs had about a gallon of dust inside. It was to much. You were going to die alone!
You regained focus.
The voice beckoned louder. You could hear someone moving rocks and a familiar voice trying to get a response out of you. You tried, you really did.
"Help! I'm below layers of debris!" Your thoughts yelled back. It was no use. Whoever was on the other side wasn't going to reach you in time.
"Y/N! It's me, Ford!" You felt a hand prickle your side.
More rocks were thrown aside as they finally reached you. Ford pulled you out and held you up with his knee as back support. Dipper joined his side, with Mabel and Stanley.
"She can't speak she is paralyzed! Hopefully temporarily." Dipper gave you a wink. You began waving your hands and begging for an answer. Dipper looked at you with a questioning look.
"Oh right. Well we are in our own bodies because of you. Bill had placed the solution to our existence in this dimension in your slumber." Dipper tried to reason with you. Your eyes teared up. This wasn't over. You had hope!

"Quick! We need to find cover! There is to much quakes and fallen resources everywhere to be out in the open. Not to mention all the creatures and Bill's eyes." Ford picked you up bridal style and the five of you walked, ran, and ducked for hours until Mabel screeched to a halt.

She was leaning over a hole, gazing in to it like it was the prettiest thing she had ever seen.

"Mabel?" Dipper put a hand on Mabel's shoulder, trying to pull her out of her trance. Stan and Ford gathered around the two and gazed at Mabel. Oh god no!
You started to wave you hands up and down. Ford gave you a worried look.
You needed to warn them! But how?
You turned your head the best you could to analyze you surroundings. Flinching, you noticed a frozen body a couple feet away with a phone it its hand. You pointed towards it. Ford leaned you against a tree and went to analyze it. He came back a second later with the phone looking barely traumatized. He did just take a phone form a dead person, right?
You opened up the lock screen and pulled up text messages. The most recent call was to a mom. This person had tried to call there mom in distress. It brought tears to your eyes.
But then you remembered Mabel. You worked faster at the fact that she was about to die.
That hole is a "love hole". It shows one their greatest love until they fall in. Then it is a nightmare. People Rarely live.
You recalled this information from a book. You cringed at the thought of actually being able to deny it's existence. You used to be so innocent.
When you finished the text, you showed Ford. His eyes widened and quickly ran over to Mabel and pushed her out of the way. She was swept of her feet, and the chocolate brown to her eyes returned as if she was regaining consciousness.
"Guys?" She softly spoke with a stream of tears.
"Mabel sweetie, it's okay now." Stan picked her up as Ford did to you, and they continued carrying you. After hours more of walking, you reached a small tent. A blue tent.
Entering the tent, all the other pawns were there. Wendy and her friends, Pacifica, Candy and Grenda and more. It was a hide away camp of people you knew. When Ford placed you down upright, still supporting your back so you didn't fall, all eyes were on you. It gave you hope. They all looked up to you and it gave you an idea. Dipper fetched a notepad and you sketched.
Where is Bill? You wrote.
"He has moved bases, out of our reach and contact." Ford spoke from behind a warn down computer.
We have to find him! I know you don't believe or whatever, but I can stop this!
"How!" The room seemed to ask.
I love him. I don't care if that's cheesy. I believe in him and belief is the first step to achieving anything! That's why I can stop him!
That's not how this works! We need to-" Ford was interrupted by Stanley.
"For once bro, believe in something that isn't science. If the kid says she can do something, she can do it!" Stanley argued. Ford wasn't convinced.
How does a rebellion start? When someone or something has the strength to take action. To make a difference. To change to inspire others. To inspire one to fight. To believe and have hope. I know you don't have faith in Bill like I do, but you have faith in me, right?
The room was stiff at your silent words.
I know Bill can stop this because this isn't him. When I first came hear, I wasn't as sure of love as much as you are. But a spark like this will change everything and this is your chance to find that out.
Because you are not Pawns
Because This is your spark
Because this is Everyone's spark!
This isn't just my fight. It is everyone's!

Everyone stiffed up straight and then slowly started clapping. Even Ford who was wiping away a tear and Mabel who was sobbing with joy. She was the first to speak.
"How do we take action, Captain?" Mabel shouted military style.
We need to find Bill's whereabouts! Then someone needs to get me to him and I will convince him.
Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" They chanted over and over. You had a plan. This wasn't the end. You had hope.  

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