Tonight Would Be Amazing

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  Disclaimer: I know you know I don't own Gravity Falls but disclaimers are fun.
Chapter 9
Bill hit the man across the face. "Where did you hide it!" The man looked up. He bleed from his eyes.
"You will never be free, Bill. It's gone." The man managed to say. Bill screamed of frustration.
"I am going to let you go. You have until 9:00 when I return, that pendant better be ready or I will take it and you won't like how!"
You, Mabel, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, and Wendyl were getting ready. The party started in an hour but you were already ready. You wore a blue laced dress. It cut at your knees. The thick satin tickled against you bare legs. Blue heels with little bows on the end were complemented by sequins. Your make-up was done natural looking. It was noticeable but not like the other girls in the room who wore 17 pounds of glitter on their eyes. Your hair was curled neatly and pinned back with a single studded diamond. It topped it off.
"Girls! We are workin' it!" Mabel bolted out to the whole room. You smiled. You couldn't believe Mabel got you to accept a date with Bill. You also couldn't believe Mabel wasn't telling everyone. If she told Dipper, he would probably tell Ford. Ford and Dipper would tell you what a dumb idea dating Bill would be and well, it wouldn't end well. Maybe you needed an assurance that Mabel wouldn't tell. You pulled her out of the room in to the closet outside the ladies room.
"Mabel about Bill..," You began.
"I ship it! Despite all the torture he has done to this family, I know you wouldn't be with him if it didn't mean anything. I can tell you are happy," Mabel spoke with a smile. "You should tell Dipper but I won't tell. And by the way girl, you look beautiful. Bill will love it!" Mabel's words heated your heart.
"Thanks sis. You look amazing yourself. I love you." You hugged her.
"I love you too." She opened the closet door leading you two into the hallway. "Oh speaking of love, Grenda asked me to set the napkins outside in the dinning room but I'm not ready. Could you?" Mabel began walking back to the ladies room while you headed to the dinning room. Entering the luxurious ballroom, you saw that the napkins had all ready been set up. Planning on walking back, you were stopped at the sight of Dipper. You hurried over to him.
"Hey bro! Are you here with Pacifica?" You asked as he blushed.
"Yeah.. and I guess you are here with Will?" Dipper smiled.
"Uh yeah.. so out of curiosity, this, Bill you have been telling me about,"
"Yeah what about him?" Dipper tensed.
"I was wondering if he has allies. Like, I mean friends and how would he handle that?" You were curious to Dipper's opinion on how Bill would handle another, meaning you.
"I don't think he can handle allies. He prefers to break trust and stand alone." Dipper nodded.
"Well uh thanks Dipper," This was getting awkward. You changed the subject. "So you and Pacifica. Come on bro bro, let's be honest."
"Heh yeah. I really like her. I can see her. The true Pacfica. Like whats buried beneath or what isn't shown." Dipper giddily looked away.
"I know what you mean," You said thinking of Bill. You decided to go explore the halls. "Talk to you later and do me a favor," You paused, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Wendy is here. Don't be distracted. Dance with Pacifica." He nodded. Dipper was pretty much over Wendy.
When reaching the edge of the ballroom you saw the painted decor more clearly. Bold ebony layered the floor with crimson rugs. Evening lights were turned on. It was almost dark. Remembering the time, you made your path to the entrance doors. It was almost 9:00. You sighed sitting on a bench outside, letting the cold, brisk air in.
Would Bill come? Is this a joke? Is he using me as a pawn?
You knew insecurity was dumb but you couldn't help it. There was so much evidence of Bill betraying everyone. How could you know he wouldn't do the same to you?
He heard your words.
Is he using me as a pawn?
Your words hurt him. He did admit though, you had a point. One could say he had trust issues. He knew better. He loved pain. Stupid, hilarious, classic, human pain. But not Y/N. He had implanted that head ache on Y/N a few days ago. He had found that her pain wasn't enjoyable. He found that human emotions were possible with Y/N. He smiled thinking of Y/N's smile. Arriving, Bill or "Will" put on his classic smirk. Tonight would be amazing.    

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