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  Disclaimer: I Don't own Gravity Falls because I'm not Alex Hirsch.
Y/n= Your name
Chapter 1
"There's nothing to see here folks!"
Your read the Gravity Falls sign and laughed to yourself. The Taxi driver, having been driving for hours, didn't notice your chuckle. You glanced out the window in search of "The Mystery Shack", knowing it's exact location.
You were like that. In love with words and knowledge. The universe had so much to offer and you understood that. You could barely contain your excitement, for you were overjoyed thinking of seeing your siblings.
Humming what sounded like an off key Party Rock song calmed you . It was fresh. Like the image of having graduated early in College at 18. You were really smart and loved the idea of it.
As the Taxi driver put the car in park to let you out, you paid him. He drove away and you began humming. With two bags and a suitcase in hand you began walking down the road.
Hours passed, pine trees increasing distance, rocks, cars, and still no "Mystery Shack". This worried you. You were most of the time right and didn't brag about it. When your legs decided to give out, you leaned against a tree. You weren't planning on taking your phone out. You could figure this out. You sighed and began rambling to no one in particular.
"And if this is 3 miles west then that would mean-"
A Figure moved out of the corner of your vision. You smirked. This didn't frighten you. You turned but your eyes meet with nothing. Slowly you head wobbled back. You nearly punched the stranger. His eyes were yellow. And also in your face. You pushed him away.
The man...err, teenager smiled deeply. More clearly, you saw that he was wearing a yellow dress shirt with a grand, black buttoned up vest. He had a short top hat on the top of his blonde hair with an eye patch covering his left eye. To top of the odd look he held a golden black cane. "Hi, I'm Will nice to nice to meet you!" He exclaimed holding a hand out. You shook it.
"I'm um, lost. Could you tell me where the Mystery Shack is?" You asked eyeing Will. His smiled half faded.
"Don't necessarily like the people there but I guess for you, Hotsauce, I can." You blushed and hated it. It was always hard to contain feelings even though you believed romance at your age was pointless. It didn't count until older anyways. He smirked once again and gave you directions. " Well Cupcake, I will see you again!" Will exclaimed proudly then left unknowingly. You turned wondering were he went.
Having deciding it didn't mater you followed the trail he gave you. You were far off, maybe an hour or more walk away. You were bored but you kept walking.
"DIPPER!" Mabel screeched. "She is still not here and Waddles wants to meet her and I'm getting frustrated!"
"I cant fix her being late. " Dipper answered. Mabel sighed as Gruncle Stan walked in. "Ahh kid, don't bite it. She will show up." He paused glancing outside at the dark windows. "Would you go get Ford? Dinner is ready, Mabel."
"On it!" Jumping up, happy to do something. Dipper followed Soos, and Gruncle Stan to the kitchen as Stan opened a Pitt-Cola. He sighed wanting to see his older sister. He wanted to share the town's mysteries with her. Beginning to worry like Mabel, he watched the window like a hawk.
When the table was all set, the doorbell rang. Gruncle Stan opened it. "Y/n?"
"Uh hi, sorry I'm so late. I got a little lost." You smiled. Dipper laughed as Stan pushed you in and closed the door.
"Y/n! Wow! Um, how is everything?" Dipper stumbled. He had not seen her since Christmas.
"Awesome and even better because I'm here now!" You sat down for dinner with them.
"So uh, Dipper, where is Mabel?" You asked with spaghetti rudely in your mouth.
Just then, Mabel walked in with another man looking exactly like Gruncle Stan.
"Ah, Stanley, and Stanford. Mabel your letters are a charm." You winked at her as your accent rang out in the room. She smiled.
Sharing many laughs, meeting Soos, Ford and Stan, dinner came to an end. Mabel ushered you to grab your stuff. She showed you to your room in the attic.
It was comfy for a run down attic. The triangle in the window gave you chills and it ringed with familiarity. You were going to ask Mabel what it was but she walked out leaving you some personal time to settle down. You laid down on the surprisingly soft mattress and fell asleep.

©Licensed Faller® █║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌║▌║ Verified by Stanley Pines . Repost if you are a true Faller  

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