There's Nothing To See Here Folks

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity falls. I own this last disclaimer. And this really....long......chapter.

Chapter 20
"It seems as if Bill has disappeared. He isn't anywhere!" Ford was searching on his aged laptop. You, Ford, and Mabel were sitting in the hospital room, tending to wounded people. You were trying to find Bill's whereabouts through patients wounded by his apocalypse. It was quite infuriating.
At the last door of patients you were interviewing, you slowly opened the door.
Inside was a fragile man that willowy slept in a dank room. The door creaked as Ford went to sit in a chair and Mabel hopped onto his bed. He awoke and sprang from his spot.
"Sorry! Would you mind if we came in?" Mabel asked apologetically for waking the man. His deep frown quickly changed to a smile.
"Of course, young one! Who might you be?" The man sat up straighter as you turned on the lights. He tried to hide it, but you saw him flinch at the brightness.
" I'm Mabel and this is Ford. That is my sister Y/N but she can't speak cause she is mute." Mabel smiled brightly.
"Hi, pleased to meet you! What can I help you with?" He wants to keep this short, You observed.
"Well, lets start with, why are you here?" Mabel shook his hand.
"I was leaving the grocery store with my wife when BAM! I hit the ground and the sky was falling with me. It was an earthquake! Rocks damaged my hip bone and ankle, I can't even walk!" The man exclaimed. He seemed a bit too excited to be telling a story in which he was wounded and lost his wife. Something was off.
"Say young girl, Would you go down to the cafeteria and retrieve me some cereal? Any kind would be dandy!" The man winked at her. You weren't trusting him.
"Mabel stay right there." You wrote to her flatly, trying to casually back away and out the door. Neither Ford or Mabel got the message. Mabel gave you a confused look. You shook your head as an answer. Ford snickered.
"For heaven sake, I will go with her if it's that much of an issue!" Ford and Mabel hurried out the room before you could argue.
Your heart sunk.
You were alone in a room with a stranger. You jumped for the door but it was locked. The force keeping it shut was gleaming into the air. This wasn't a man.

The creature slithered off the bed and took a new form. One more grotesque and menacing. It's tentacles slashed up you body and then began to cradle your throat. You sensed the blade before it met skin. Its reflection dashed across the wall. The creature had cleaned this blade just for you.
"Listen very closely Y/N. Bill is looking for you and he knows where you are. He is always watching If I turn you in, I could get an award. Or... I could kill you!" The voice growled in your ear.
You felt cold and melancholy. The creature tightened his grip on you and you yelped beneath whatever was holding your mouth.
" Wouldn't you rather have an award?" You muffled in your thoughts. You needed to bargain with him. Distract him.
You can't distract me! How little do you know!" The creature grazed the knife into your hip. Cold blood began to travel down your pant leg but you couldn't feel it. Your legs couldn't feel the blood. Your body couldn't feel the creature. Your nerves couldn't read anything. It's support against you was the only thing keeping you from falling into your own blood.
"Bill never told you but he needed you. When you first meet him, he had to get you in his control because you are the only thing that can stop all this. He had to prevent you from being able to stop him so he became close. To a human!" It paused as the knife smeared blood across your shirt.
"This apocalypse is temporary as long as you exist, but If you don't exist, it will be permanent. My brother and sisters can roam this realm freely!" He threw the knife to the other end of the room. "We are going to ensure that that happens!" You saw millions of dark withered hands reach to you and pull you down. You felt like you were suffocating in tar. Black surrounded you. Encased you.
"I can't breathe this darkness anymore!" Your thoughts screamed. No one would hear you.
You awoke in a cell. Crisp crimson cased your corrupted skin. The blood had dried but you still felt like you were bathing in it. A warmth pressed into your arms and you could tell nerve was slowly fading back. You began to wiggle your fingers, then arms. You pushed yourself up with your arms and analyzed the cell.
Nothing fancy but old rugs and the odd smell of decaying bodies.
You pushed away the thought and slowly supported your way to a sitting position.
You could tell this cell was designed for you because it wasn't a good cell. The bars were too stretched apart; anyone could escape but a paralyzed person. The cell had slits in which it divided in ways that your body could fit through. Scampering to the slit, your aching body made it's way under. Your legs couldn't stand up, but you could still feel the shaking of the Earth. You crawled around the rumbles and reached outside. Much more underwhelming then usual.
Bodies were scattered everywhere and debris wasn't recognizable as anything but debris. Earth was on it's last straw.
You began crawling more before realizing where you were. Being so close to the ground, you recognized a lot.
But not this.
Black bricks with rainbow cement in between highlighted your vision. You looked up farther to see stairs with the same decor. You reached forward for a grip but were pulled back.
" Ugh! Humans never give up!" The thing shouted. It gripped your legs and pulled you up upside down. It proceeded to hold you like that while turning corners and hallways. The thing brought you to a room and slammed you into a chair. It felt shattering to your arms.
"Who is this?"
'That's Bill's toy!"
"He prefers the word pawn."
Voices of creatures laughed and croaked.
Tears sprinkled your eyes. You were once again...helpless.
"Oh look, the toy is crying!" More laughter cackled in the air but you couldn't see a thing, for it was too dark.
"So what do we do with her?"
"Let's torture!" The group seemed to like the idea. You flinched and tried to spring up but you couldn't.
More tears drifted from your eyes. They seemed to light the room.
A whip cracked on your back. A knife meet your ear. A fist meet your stomach. Blows and kicks continued but your eyes refused to drift away. Slowly, the blows died out and you found the room empty. You were no longer tied down either.
A small twitch of relief flowed through your vain's. Pushing your way up to a crawling position, a silver mirror sat in front of you. Your eyes drooped farther then ever. That wasn't the worst. Your hair was drenched in blood and cuts and bruises was far more noticeable. You stomach wrenched and churned. It felt like a hot tub inside your stomach. You turned to the side a puked all over. When you finished spatting, you pulled away and made your way around the room, feeling textures of the wall. You looked like a blind women but how else could one see through the dark?
Once reaching a doorknob and turning it, you crawled out of the room. You wondered why the creatures had left so suddenly but continued on. You climbed stairs and hallways and were quite surprised no one had found you. A trail of blood followed your every move.
You were exhausted but you weren't going to give up. You had to make it to Bill!
Several more sets of stairs meet your sore hands until the a final shake knocks you down a few sets. All the progress you just made, for nothing. You look up and notice the walls and ceiling shaking faster than previously. More debris falls faster and faster. You were frozen. Exhaustion filled your arms and you couldn't move. Panicking inside, you look back behind you once more. Quicker than you can move, the stairs start to falls in on themselves behind you step. Your arms fill up with a fuel that brings you pulling harder and more abundant. You scramble up the steps now as fast as your arms can pull. At first the actions are quicker than the falling stairs but the pace quickens and your actions are pointless.
Still, you try but it gets the better of you and 5 stairs beneath your feet fall. Your hands are clinging to a surprisingly stable stone but it gives out. You fall closer to the gaping hole behind your feet and you begin to kick. Kick! Nerve floods into your legs and you begin to wiggle your toes. Eventually, you are able to find a stable stone to trust your foot on. Your muscles pull you up the best they can until you have a real grip on the stairs. With so much blood loss, your entire body aches and throbs but pushes on. You didn't know what was pushing you anymore but you had more determination and perseverance than anything because you knew the idea of very existence was on the line. You run and run up the stairs and after what feels like hours until you see a clearing at the tip in the distance. You didn't know what to expect was in there, but the infinite possibilities didn't stop you.
Finally reaching the top, you collapse to the floor. Glad to not have been swallowed whole.
"Y/N?" You turn your head but you recognized the voice before you saw him. You look up to him. His eyes turn soft. He rushes over and picks up your crippled body.
"Oh god, what happened to you?" His eyes looked fueled with madness. You opened your mouth to respond and gasped at what you found.
"Creatures! Beating me!" You croaked as the ceiling crumbled. Bill was now cradling you outside were light an audience gathered around.
"Y/N, I-...why?" Bill pushed.
"They know that I was the key to stopping all this. If they killed me then existence would be destroyed and your people could live forever." Your voice was panic filled and groggily.
"I know. That's why I met you," He states flatly. Your heart sunk. This was it. He wasn't going to sacrifice everything he has worked for for you. You looked into his eyes and it truly melted him.
"I don't expect you to sacrifice the world for me," You paused as tears leaked and trickled down you cheek. "I would never ask that." You sobbed harder but still managed a smile. "I love you Bill," You gasped one last word. Your eyes were fading.
"No!" He exclaimed.
"What?" You cried.
Out of all the coldness in the world, his lips pressing against you fueled you with warmth. You gasped as relief flowed. Your body no longer ached and your head no longer throbbed.
The birds chirped, people no longer wore baggy clothes. Bodies weren't scattered everywhere and the sky was blue.
He gave it all up for you.
Town folk began to crowd around.
"There's Something to see here, Folks," Someone shouted as Bill picked you up.
"I'm sorry. I love you too, and I will always give you the world" Bill kissed you once more. You stared into his eyes with a gleam.
"Ahh!" You heard someone scream. Turning your head, Mabel rushed up to you and held you harder then Bill was. Your family gathered around and cheered.
Bill grabbed your hand and together you began walking.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"Wherever the wind takes us, Hotsauce." He winked and the two of you slowly walked out of the town. The faint sign behind you that started it all:
"There's Nothing To See Here Folks!"  

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