Lights, Cameras,

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Like a boss!
Comment please!

Chapter 16
You weren't mad. What Ford said could be true.
You didn't believe it. Of course you didn't.
Something was off though.
You continued outside to take a deep breath. You sighed. Briskly. Today was going to a bit of a waste You hated that. Make something of it! You told yourself.
You got up a little more happy to be doing something but it was like the day seemed gloomier. Like it was missing something. You glanced around at the thought and came upon grayish skies. Where was the color?
Walking back inside, you stopped. Bill.
He was watching.
He was near.
You could feel it.
"Bill?" You asked the abyss.
Something is watching.
A shiver vexed down your spine.
It hurt.
He is watching.
"Like a camera," You said out loud with a slight quiver.
A blue light flickered in the forest. You knew better not to chase after it, but it was out of your control. Your feet moved without your command. They carried you over logs. Past pine trees. Leaping over streams. Your feet moved for what seemed like an hour. You wanted to cry. Why? How?
Your brain was paralyzed to move. It couldn't stop your legs.
Just like you couldn't stop Bill.
It hit you.
The necklace was the blue light bringing you to Bill. It gave him power over you and you had let him.
"No!" You screamed. "Stop Bill! I can't control this. I can't control any of this, but I know you! You think this is you. Mind controlling, deceiving, betraying. Just stop!" Tears poured out of your eyes, much like the streams you had climbed past. There was obviously no response. You were in the middle of the forest. Why would there be a response?
But you weren't.
A voice ushered you to be strong. To keep walking. To wipe away the tears. To believe. But why?
You decided to focus on what was happening then your emotions. He was taking you far. Far from the mystery shack?
Was This Bill's doing?
What is happening?
Was my emotion clouding my judgement?
Am I going to die?
Are other people going to die?
Am I paralyzed?
"STOP! Your questions are giving me a migraine!" You heard his voice. His figure formed around you but in his triangle form.
Both of you were really far. It was almost unrecognizable.
This was where you and Bill had meet. You were furious. It was obvious he was using you and he had the gut to take you here but didn't have the decency to show himself in his human form.
A flashback hit you. The pink suitcase in your hand. Him giving you directions.
You were speechless. And useless. You couldn't even move your hands to wipe away the tears.
"Do you know how freaky it is? To still be conscious while some demon takes over your body? No! You don't because you are a demon!" You screamed through clenched teeth. This was the maddest you had every been. Ever.
"Hmm! Is this better?" Bill snapped his fingers and began laughing the way he always did, but worse.
You didn't know what he would do to you but you had a feeling you had just lost what little piece of control you still had. With the last might of consciousness, you softly spoke. "This isn't you."
And with that, you fell. Like a bird hitting the ground.
It couldn't fly.
It was a pawn.

I'm sorry, but this story is ending. The 20th chapter will be the final chapter. I don't think there will be a sequel either but encouragement always make a difference. Thank you lovelies for everything!

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