Scattered States of Mind

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. Do people actually read these?

Chapter 18
Saying Bill was overjoyed with his work was an understatement. He couldn't help but collapse to the floor and laugh like a little child. Peoples death was like watching cartoons to him. Entertaining. Bill was debating whether or not to release phase four yet but phase 3 was still in action, working quite well. With the thought of phase three, he decided to check up on his pawns.
Aw yes, all doing what they are supposed to be doing, Bill confirmed with his watchful eye.
Ford: Russia
Mabel: Africa
Wendy: Canada
Stan: Columbia
Robbie: Mexico
Gideon: South America
Soos: China
Pacifica: Antarctica
Dipper: -

As Bill checked up on his pawns, spreading chaos worldwide, he noticed someone missing.
"Dipper!" Bill said out loud, narrowing his eyes. Dipper was assigned the most important country of them all.
The Rest of The United States of America
Bill didn't like the idea of a powerful military force coming after him. Not that there was much they could do, Bill rationalized with himself. Once locating Dipper's whereabouts and relocating the child pawn to his position, Bill sat down next to you in his lair, softly stroking your hair.
Meanwhile In the United States of America
Dipper was watching"Dipper" chase people out of their homes with madness. Madness that came from Bill. Dipper wasn't as shocked as the others were to be in a different body. Well, not body...but vessel. Dipper could tell that everyone that Bill had "collected" had been replaced with pieces of Bill in them. He studied himself without having to find cover. He was basically a ghost.
This Dipper was smiling with joy as he threw flames and terror. " This must be Bill's insanity." Dipper said out loud.
Dipper had already attempted escaping and tried to stop Bill. Nothing worked. But Dipper was much like Bill. He had a plan. He always had a plan.
But he had to be secretive. He couldn't speak to the other "vessels" or Bill would find out.
Dipper somehow had to wake you up. Bill kept Y/N alive for a reason. You could stop him and Dipper understood that. How? That question wouldn't stop tumbling in his head. Around and around it would go, giving him the worst anticipation. Dipper hated feeling helpless!
How could he stop a demon?
An all powerful demon?
A freaking demon!
I can't! But Y/n can.
Dipper knew one thing for sure. He had to wake you up! You would know what to do.
With a swift flash, he left the scene and joined you by your side in Bill's lair. You looked so lifeless. Maybe you were lifeless. You had been asleep for a week and 5 days now. He screamed at you.
"Wake up!"
Figures! That won't work. It just has to be complicated!
Dipper noticed the fragile glowing rose in the jar on your necklace. It would flash every once in a while and grow a brighter blue. He reached out to touch it but then flinched. He need a real vessel, right? He reached out once more deciding to beat the odds. The necklace seemed to make a rising heat sound the closer his finger got. On impact, his finger made a hole in the necklace and the jar surrounding the rose disintegrated. You stirred and slowly twitched to reality.
"D- Dipper?" You thought.
"Y/n! You can see me? How do you feel?"
"I can't move anything!" You thought again. He began to think, wishing he could get you a snack or water. Oh right! This is the Apocalypse, those aren't common things anymore, Dipper thought.
"Dipper, I can't move or speak! Are you speaking to me through my thoughts? Please help me!" You screamed inside your head.
" Yes, I can read your thoughts. You must be paralyzed!" Dipper tried to usher you calmly.
"What! How long have I been asleep!" You screeched wanting to flail your arms around.
"Twelve days!" You started panting. Hunger twisted your stomach into a knot. It felt as if something was slowly eating and churning your organs inside out.
"I'm basically a ghost. I can't do anything!" Dipper announced.
"That makes two of us!" You wanted to shift your body into a more comfortable position, but you were paralyzed.
"Should I call for Bill?" You asked Dipper then decided against it. He betrayed you. He-... All you memories enclosed around you of the last time you were conscious. Bill didn't care, did he?
"What happened?" You could barely keep your eyes open.
"Basically, Bill took over the world. There was this chemical dimension waste that has the power to open up portals to different dimensions so Bill rounded up everyone on his "wheel" and is using us as human demon soldiers. In them are pieces of himself that are spreading his chaos worldwide. " Dipper tried to explain to you but you barely developed any of it. Usually you would understand it all.
"Y/n, I think Bill is coming back. Don't let him know you are awake. Pretend you are asleep." And with that, Dipper's figure faded into the wall.
You were so overwhelmed that it wasn't a challenge to close your eyes and drift away. You heard Bill's footsteps approach your ears.
"Ugh! I hate Time Baby!" Bill's scream pierced your ears. You would flinch, if you could. You felt him pull up a chair and sit next to you.
"I just killed a giant baby, and now I am really hungry. You'd think blood thirst would be filling!" Bill shouted opening a soda. You think you're hungry! I haven't eaten in 12 days! You wanted to shout back at him but realized that he was likely to read you thoughts. You focused on thinking nothing.
"I've been debating whether or not to release phase four." Bill spoke.
Was there good in him like you believed?
"I mean, phase three is working so well and I'm enjoying the suffering a lot! Releasing phase four would be putting an end to it!"
You tried your hardest not to wonder what phase four was.
"Screw it! Phase four will cause more suffering! I will call my pawns back! " Bill screeched and left the room.
He wasn't himself at all.
You slowly opened you eyes. In a similar way, you legs gained a bit of control again. But you still couldn't move your arms or your mouth... or anything else. You baby kicked your way to Bill's can of untouched Pitt- Cola on his desk and managed to drink the fluid down in three sipping's. Continuing on to find more food, your were interrupted by a rumble that shook the entire room. It pushed you to the ground and you couldn't get up. The ground shook more. What was happening?
Barely turning your head, you were meet with Mabel's feet. She was then joined by Dipper, Stan, and everyone else on the wheel. Each of their pupils were yellow. They brought you outside and held you up, for your legs weren't stable enough to do their job. You shrieked at the horror. What meet your eyes wasn't Earth. It wasn't the world you fell asleep in. This was a new world. A world Bill created full of terror and death. A tear escaped your eye. You were so helpless.
Before you could steal another glance at what else surrounded you, everyone's eyes looked up. Everyone in the world looked up. In the orange sky, you could see pieces of itself slowly fall to the ground. Phase four was in action.
The universe was closing in on itself.

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