The Imitation Game

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  Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls, my friend.
A/N: So sorry for such a long wait. Don't worry I'm back. I went and saw Evanescence in concert so thanks for the patience. Also this is based of a true story. I was Bill Cipher for Halloween ( a girl Version). Love you All!
Chapter 13
Mabel couldn't wait to show you her twin costume with Dipper. You couldn't wait to show them your's and Bill's costume. You couldn't wait to see Bill. Two days ago you and Bill went to a party. Two days ago Bill told you he loved you. Bill visited you every day. This was a thing now.
Dipper still steamed here and their at the thought of you and Bill, but tonight was Halloween. A family favorite. Nothing was ruining it so Dipper got over himself.
All was good in the Pines house.
Until a knock at the door.
Dipper opened it slowly knowing who it would be.
"Pine Tree! Where is your costume?" Bill screamed letting himself in. Dipper's jaw dropped.
"Uh, what are you?" Dipper looked back and forth from you to Bill.
Bill was dressed in a dress. It was hilarious! He wore heels and had a book in his hand. He was talking in your slight accent. You were fancied with black slacks, a yellow tailcoat, a tie, top hat, and to top the legendary look off, a cane. You tried to talk like him.
"And remember reality is an illusion," You tired to say in an echo-ish gruff man voice. Dipper and Bill immediate cracked up.
"Ah! Scrapbook time!" While Dipper put on his costume, Mabel took photos of you and Bill.
"Bill, you are going to love, Dipper and I's costume! We have always done twin costumes but his year is... different." Mabel screeched as Dipper popped out with his costume and Mabel zipped her's on.
Bill almost fainted.
"OH! MY GOD! PINE TREE! SHOOTING STAR!" Bill rushed around losing your accent.
Dipper looked like a Christmas tree. He wore brown pants, and a fluffy, yet lifelike green shirt that was covered in pine needles. He would probably blend in outside. Mabel wore a light up head band. Her hair was died in a rainbow pattern almost matching a My Little Pony. Her costume fluffed out with confetti. Rainbow aliments of string all sewn to a bright star that popped out to her right.
"I- UM," Bill searched for words.
"Are you actually at a loss of words?" You questioned a bit worried. Mabel snapped another photo.
"Another priceless memory!" As Mabel shouted and danced, Dipper smacked his head with his hand.
"LETS MAKE A DEAL! I HAVE TO ACT LIKE Y/N, MABEL ACTS LIKE A SHOOTING STAR, DIPPER A PINE TREE AND Y/N IS ME!" Bill was beside himself. You all agreed at the fun idea and with that, you set off for candy. Trick or Treat!
Mabel would run real fast and wish upon herself. Dipper would really do nothing except act like a tree. Bill walked around reading and doing Y/N stuff. But when they opened the door, you would say the strangest stuff.
"Don't eat pancakes, visit the pink lake in Australia, and I deliver Pizza by plane!" You either got really weird looks and a door in the face or a good chuckle and a load of candy. Dipper shook his head.
" You are scaring people."
Bill pushed Dipper over and he fell.
"Timber!" Bill shouted at the top of his lungs. Him and Mabel bumped fists as you helped Dipper up.
"Alright Dip- stick, we promised Grunkle Stan that we would be home by now. Bye guys." Mabel and Dipper walked off leaving you and Bill alone. He laced his hand into your black satin gloves.
"I have an idea-"
"No!" You screamed.
"I didn't even-"
He took a break.

"Yeah follow me!"
He took a sharp turn behind two allies and five houses. You were finally lost.
"Shh!" He shushed you. He shushed you! You hated being shushed.
You grabbed his face and shook it so his eyes meet yours.
"Where are we going? What are we doing?" As an answer, he grabbed you and ran into a tunnel entrance.
He began to sing a song.

Imitate me
watch the world go round
Imitate me
until you hit the ground

Imitate me
melody and all
Imitate me

then they slowly fall

With a drift sweep, you fell into his arms and closed you eyes. Your rose necklace glowing a soft blue.  

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