02 Woodland Academy

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Alexandria's POV

My eyes scanned the bedroom I would soon have to become accustomed to sleeping in. It consisted of a queen-sized bed, two white couches accompanied with a study desk, personal bathroom and bay window.

If one were to open the glass door on the other side of my room, it would lead to a creamy textured balcony. I stood there and closed my eyes, envisioning the day of my coronation of becoming queen. I raised my hand and completed a royal wave at my imaginary subjects.

All too quickly, I came to my senses and realized if another teenager were to see me now, they would certainly consider me daft. I took a turn about the room and practiced my walking, slouched ever so often and laughed at myself in the mirror.

I hoped that I would be able to master it by the time the sun rose for the next day. The sound of a knock reverberated through the room as I took this as the perfect opportunity to practice my 'teenage slang'.

"How's it hanging moms?" I asked my mother and nodded my head, imitating the catchphrase from one of the teenage films.

She smiled and entered the room, "Hanging?" Her eyebrows furrowed in amusement at my phrasing. "I see the practicing is getting somewhere," she stated with a chuckle.

"It's low-key getting there," before she could ask, I elaborated, "Low-key is supposed to mean sort of, or at least that is what I think it means."

"Well, I 'low-key' know nothing about normal teenagers and it just so happens that I have the rest of the evening free. Would you like me to help you?" She asked as she advanced towards a couch with the laptop that I have only now realized she was carrying.

I nodded my head vigorously, "Certainly mother, or as teenagers say, heck yeah!"


I woke up to the sound of a blaring alarm clock, "Oh, how I do miss Marie now," I simply sighed as I dismissed it and glanced at the time.

6:01 AM

I got up begrudgingly and dressed into a teenage outfit that transformed my appearance into something different, something considered as normal to the rest of the world. It took a few moments of boosting my self-confidence with the new mantra, "You go girl!"

Suffice to say, it worked and I was now walking down the stairs at a fast pace, a pace that is usually not appropriate, but this change allowed me to break those rules. Moreover, it started with rushing down the stairs.

My sneakers made loud beats on the ligneous floor as I made my entrance in the dining room.

"Good morning dear, it seems like yesterday paid off, look James, she's slouching," Mom gushed as she said those words, her excitement was enough to fill the room as dad gave me a dubious stare.

"I am well aware, good morning Princess," dad stood up and took the seat out in order for me to sit.

"Good morning mom and dad," I greeted, smiling at the delicious food that the table beheld.

"Alexandria, school starts at eight. Once you have finished eating your breakfast we have something to show you outside," Dad said with a mischievous smile.

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