04 Partners

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Alexandria's POV

Mr Stein took long pauses before he proceeded to call out each group. His frivolous theatrics just built up more anxiousness within me.

My ears were focused on when my name would be called, Mr Stein finally uttered a name, "Jesse Blaize and, drum roll please," he commanded the class, to which we all tapped on our desks, entertaining his dramatic pause.

"Alex Walker," my mind processed the thought, that meant I was partnered with Jesse.

I am going to work on a Chemistry project with that popular, cute boy whom I utterly embarrassed myself in front of earlier. With an internal sigh, I glanced across the classroom, only to be met by his gaze. I instantly looked away.

Once Mr Stein decided everyone was partnered up, he gave the instruction that we should all go to our partners.

Jesse rose from his desk and made his way over to mine. Just my luck.

'Just stay calm, cool, collected and endeavor not to look like a tomato,' I chided my subconscious.

Upon hearing my name, I faced Jesse with a smile on my face. "Hey Alex, so do you want to get started?" he asked as he sat down at the now vacant desk beside me.

I nodded in reply, "Definitely, the sooner we start, the sooner we can finish it."

"I agree," Jesse concurred and gestured to the complex topic in the workbook.

We discussed majority of the project, as well as who would be responsible for which part.

At the denouement of our discussion, Jesse took out his phone from his pocket, upheaved his blonde rush and asked, "Alex can I have your number? Mainly, to text you about the project."

"Sure," I said and we exchanged numbers.

As soon as the bell rung, I made a beeline out of the classroom, in search for Skylar. After endless searching, I finally found her. As we headed to English Class, both of us spoke about our previous class.

Upon our entrance, my eyes fell on two rather familiar faces, Jesse and Blake.

Jesse POV

Blake and I, made ourselves comfortable in our usual seats and began talking. Our conversation ended abruptly when Alex and Skylar entered the class.

"There she is," Blakes declared, dramatically, "the love of my life, who refuses to have me!"

Skylar shook her head at Blake's antics and Alex rolled her blue eyes in good nature as they both sat in front of us.

Our English ma'am stood from her desk and awaited the arrival of the rest of the class, at the door. I found it amusing that her surname was Darcy, and that she was an English teacher, quite ironic if you asked me.

Once everyone was seated she took the opportunity to speak, no greeting, straight to the point, "Class you have to write an essay based on your friendship with your classmates. You have to know basic things about them, their favorite color, movie, etc. You can choose your own groups of 4 and it is due on Monday."

Thereafter she exited the classroom as if though there was something more important than teaching us. I shook my head in disapproval as realisation struck me, she hadn't even given us a word count.

To add to that, now I was required to write an essay based on my friendship with Alex, the new girl, Skylar, the most bubbly person ever and Blake the number one, top flirt in school. I doubted that I would have enough content for a solid essay.

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