Chapter 35 Remember

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Alex P.O.V

The one thing I've been awaiting has finally come. The party. According to Skylar, I've practically done all the teenage things, except that. To my amazement, Kendra and Hunter are leaving together. I'm completely shipping Kenter, they really complement each other well, 'c' is the cute in the word, 'couple'.

Everyone slept in, so it's 3pm right now. I go downstairs to eat something. As I walk into the kitchen I smell blueberry pancakes!

After greeting everyone, I take some for me!


"So, Jace who are you taking with, to the party?" Skylar asks.

"I will be doing all the ladies a favor, by going alone and keeping my options open!" Jace replies, with a signature smirk.

I just smile and shake my head, playfully.

"Alex, do you know what you are wearing to the party?" Kendra asks.

"No, not yet." I say.

"Me neither!" Maya & Hillary say dramatically, in unison.

"We can get ready once we finish eating." Amanda says.

"Okay." Hillary says and quickly continues eating her pancakes in a rush.

"Hill, slow down, your pancakes aren't going anywhere!" Liam says.

"I can't help it, they're soo delicious!" Hillary complains, everyone starts laughing.

Once we finish eating, we go get ready for the party.

I'm wearing a pink, high low dress, that compliments my fair skin wonderfully! I'm also wearing sandals and a flower band, around my head.

All of us are dressed in beach-but-casual outfits. At least we finished just in time, kind of...

We are now walking downstairs, Hunter must have heard us coming, because he says,

"It's about time you girls are done! You've been busy for an..."

His jaw immediately drops, when seeing Kendra! His face looks priceless!

"You were saying?" Kendra asks him.

"Nothing about nobody at all." Hunter answers quickly.

"It better be nothing!" Kendra says, giving him a playful shove.

"Aww!" Amanda and Maya squeal.

"Okay love birds, its time to fly!" Jesse says.

"Wait, where is Jace?" Sky asks.

"He when early, because you, beauty queens were taking too long!" Cameron says, emphasizing beauty queens.

"Oh, whatever." Hillary says.

I laugh and walk out with Jesse.

This is my first teenage party! Is it weird that I feel nervous?

To think, I've done everything a normal teen does, except going to a party!

Once we reach the place, where the party is being held, I hold on to Jesse. It's really crowded, people are dancing and swaying their hips to the music.

"Do you want something to drink?" Jesse asks.

"Yeah, I am actually thirsty." I say.

Jesse leads me to the bar part.

"What do you want to drink Alex?" he asks me.

"Just Lemonade please." I say.

"Okay, one Lemonade and an appetizer." Jesse tells the bartender.

When a new song, starts playing, Jesse asks me to dance with him.

You make me feel like
I'm Living A Teenage Dream!

That song is so fitting to my life!

After dancing, we meet up with everyone else, at the back of our beach house for a bonfire.

I'm actually exhausted, but nothing is better than eating smores with your best friends around a bonfire!

"Hey Alex, remember that first day you came to school?" Jesse asks.

"Yeah, everyone was staring at me, as if they've never seen a girl before!" I say, laughing.

"That was a great day for you, because that was the day you met me!" Skylar says jokingly.

"And it was the day I met the rest I'm you guys, except Amanda and Kendra." I say, thinking of my first day.

"Remember the first day I came Rider used pick up lines on us?" Amanda asks and we all laugh.

"I can't believe I ever actually liked him!" Kendra says.

"Remember all the pick up lines I used on you Alex?" Blake asks.

"Yeah and the perfect comebacks I had for each one!" I say with a smirk.

"Remember our duet?" Jesse asks.

"Yes I do, we sang in perfect harmony!" I say.

That's our night continued, telling stories about the rest of our school year.

Jesse takes me away from everyone and we take a stroll, hand in hand. We sit on a bench and watch the waves crash.

Suddenly, my phone rings. I immediately answer it, without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello, this is Alex speaking." I say.

"Hello honey!" mum's voice beams through my phone.

"Is something wrong mum?" I ask, curiously.

"No, nothing's wrong sweetie. I just have good news to tell you! Unfortunately, I want to tell you face to face, but I can't wait!" she exclaims.

"What is it?" I ask anxiously.

"Is Jesse with you?" mum asks.

"Yes!" I say.

Jesse looks at me questioningly.

"Well then, put the phone on speaker! It involves both of you!" mum says.

"Okay." I say and tap on the speaker block.

"Alex and Jesse, we all have made this decision, meaning me, James and your parents too Jesse. You two are going to have an arranged marriage!!" mum shouts over the phone, happily.


🌟🌟🌟🌟💕______THE END______

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(Why did Kendra choose Hunter and not Jace?)

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