03 Friends

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Alexandria's POV

"Great, so we both have biology with Cameron," Skylar mentioned, as we walked down the lengthy hallway.

"Who's Cameron?" I asked. Many students we passed, have greeted Skylar and acknowledged me as 'New Girl'.

"Oh, Cam is one of my friends. You'll get along with him just fine," she answered, then averted her gaze to me, "So Alex, which school did you attend before this one?"

I decided it was appropriate to twirl a few strands of my hair and tucked them behind my ear, "Well, I-"

It seemed as if though the clover hanging from my bag's zip, was on my side. At that exact moment, someone began calling her name, crisis deterred.

"Skylar, how dare you ditch me this morning," the boy approached, teasingly smiling at Skylar.

"This is Cameron, and I did not ditch him," she clarified, sending a glare in the direction of the boy with dishevelled black hair.

"She ditched me," he said to me.

Then another voice entered the conversation, "Not even two seconds in each other's company and you two are already at it. Geez, get married already."

Skylar's cheeks were crimson and Cameron just rolled his eyes in good nature and said, "Good morning to you too Jesse."

Before the stranger could reply, the bell rang, and according to the teen flicks I have seen, it signalled the commencement of class.

As we entered the biology class, I introduced myself to Mrs Crawford and she welcomed me warmly and informed me that I need not do an introduction to the entire class. Internally, I was grateful for it.

Once we concluded our conversation, Skylar waved me over to a vacant seat beside her. The rest of the classes I had were alright, I had French with Skylar and Law with Cameron, who was actually pretty easy to get along with.

Unfortunately, a visible frown formed on my face when I heard that none of them took History.

What a letdown!

I slowly treaded towards the classroom Skylar directed me to. I did the same thing I have been doing in all the other classes, introduced myself to the teachers and found a seat. The only one that had not been occupied was next to a boy with dark blonde hair and electric blue eyes.

"Class please complete this essay on the war between the Kingdom of Crystallia and the Kingdom of Frostenia. When completed, hand it in before the end of the period." Mr Brown said as he handed out the tests.

Even though, he told me that I was not expected to take the test, I still took it. The word limit was the only restriction that I experienced, but other than that, my sheet was repleted with ink. The content that the teachers have introduced thus far, was already familiar to me and I could not possibly pass up the opportunity to do well.

My eyes looked back over at the essay I have written, to revise, for any minor errors that I could fix before handing it in. There was a tap on my right shoulder; therefore, I turned my head in that direction. The boy with the encapsulating facial characteristics held up a pen in his hand, which looked very much like mine.

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