❇Chapter 24 Secret Garden❇

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Alex P.O.V

I had an awesome day yesterday. I am happy knowing that my personality did not change. On the other side I feel a bit bad and have doubt on whether I made the right decision by rejecting Jesse and not listening to what he had to say. I'm currently listening to 'Fix A Heart' by Demi Lovato. I don't know how to feel, my heart is drifting in two, not knowing what to do. One side of me wants to forgive Jesse, the other side is still experiencing hurt, disappointment, sadness and hatred. I need to speak to him again, he will truly understand my situation like when my personality changed last time and when I caught Jesse cheating on me! I then climb on my teal motorbike! Yep, I can ride one! I then see a black SUV tailing me, noticing Paul, one of my bodyguards. I then arrive at his separate mansion, luckily I made sure to text him before showing up. His butler Wayne let's me through since we're old friends. I then head straight to his office, where I can hear his booming voice.

"Yes she's coming over now!"
"Yep I Princess Alexandria told me all her deepest secrets!"
"I can't believe I actually put up with her annoying and pathetic life! But it's all worth the money you're paying me!"

I can't believe him he was honestly just being my friend for money and information on me. I rush to my motorbike and just start riding. The wind blows through my hair as I'm riding to my safe haven. I reach the cliff and listen to the glistening flow of water, to clear my mind!

Jesse P.O.V

Luckily everything is going according to plan. I'm so overjoyed that my parents and Alex's parents are helping me. Hopefully she forgives me and wants to go back to being my girlfriend. What if she still wants nothing to do with me? What will I do then? How will I handle it? I really like Alex.... No..... I love her! I LOVE her!! Oh my word, I am in LOVE with Alex Bubblegum Ice-cream Walker!!!! Now I just need to tell her my feelings about her. A vibration sound comes from my phone, interrupting my thoughts. It's Alex's mom, meaning she's on her way! Time to rehearse my speech for the 59th time today!

Alex P.O.V

I walk inside and find mom sitting on the couch, CHATTING on her phone!!! This whole thing screams,


"Hey mom I'm back!! What are you doing?" I say.

"Hey honey, oh.. I'm just relaxing, since it's a Saturday, you know!" Mom says.

I can totally see that she's lying through her teeth! Plus Saturday's are the days her and dad are the busiest people in the world!

"Uh uh!" I say disbelievingly.

"Ye....ah! So honey Liam left something in the library for you! Why don't you go check it out!" Mom says.

I go to the library at the bottom floor. I open the library door and instantaneously the whole library lights up, revealing a crimson red door. Me being the curious person that I am, I open the door! My eyes lay upon the beautiful garden, there are a variety of flowers. They are blossoming! I spin and twirl around the garden! Then my eyes find a path, with rose petals sprinkled along it. I immediately start making my way along the trail! The path lead me to the center of the garden, I then see Jesse sitting on a bench playing his guitar, near the main fountain!

"Hey Alex!" Jesse says, placing his guitar aside.

"Hey Jesse! What is this place?" I ask.

"Your mom told me this is a secret garden, within your home library. Your grandfather made it for your grandmother, as a token of his love for her!" Jesse says.

"It's absolutely beautiful!" I exclaim.

"Yes it is... Alex can we talk?" Jesse asks and gestures for me to sit next to him.

I nod and take a seat beside him.

"Alex I am truly SORRY for all the pain I made you endure! The reason I was on a date with Jennevive was because my parents arranged this thing where I date a princess per month, to determine who my bride should be one day!" Jesse says nervously.

"So I wasn't good enough for you to date, even though I am a princess?" I ask.

"No, no ,no, that's not what I meant! Its just, I saw all the hate comments directed to you for our apparent engagement! I didn't know how you would take it, if our parents knew that we were really dating! But now I know I was a coward to be afraid of what others will say. My mother also made it very clear that you can handle it! Alex I'm so sorry! It wasn't my intention to hurt you! Will you please forgive me?" Jesse pleads.

I can't stay upset with him forever! I also really miss him!

"Jesse I forgive you! We can go back to being how we used to be!" I say with a smile.

"Back to being friends?" Jesse asks gloomily.

"Nope, back together!" I say.

"Thank goodness!! I don't know what I would have done if you wanted to be friends! It would be a real downer if the person you're in love with doesn't feel the same way!" Jesse says replacing his frown with a enthusiastic face!

"Person you're in love with?" I enquire.

"Yes.... Alex I love you!" Jesse says.

"I love you too Jesse!" I say and he embraces me in a warming hug!

We then hear claps and turn around to find our parents, Hillary and Liam recording us!

"Finally! It was about time, you two made up!" Liam says.

"But Jesse if you break Alex heart again, I won't hesitate to break you!" Hillary says with a mischievous smile!

"Oh sweetheart, I can't wait until you're my daughter!!" Queen Emerald says with glee.

"Excuse me, Queen Emerald, what do you mean, your daughter?" I ask.

"When you and Jesse get married of course!"


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