dedicated to SilentPaths_1 since she's like the first person to request if she can be in my story and I thought that'd be cool (not gonna take anymore requests, sry)
It has been a month since the whole Penny and Jacob thing. Jacob made it official on Twitter that they were a couple and has forgotten all about me. Maybe this was their plan all along, maybe they actually did something to make me move to New York so they can mess with me. I don't know how they'd do that, but that's the only reasonable explanation.
Okay. That's not a reasonable explanation, but why else would he do this to me?
I didn't contact Jacob or Penny after I saw their picture together, but I was actually expecting Jacob to contact me the next day and tell me that it was a prank and he loved me so much. Guess I need to get my head back to reality and forget that Jacob and I were ever a thing.
It's been a month, and I need to get over this. I need to get over the fact that my first boyfriend dumped me, without even actually dumping me. He just did it, he moved on so quickly. Why can't I?
"Mom, I'm heading to Central Park!" I yelled as I walked out the door. She instantly came running out her room to stop me. "What the heck, I never seen you run that fast before!"
"Do you think I'm going to let you, a 14 year old girl, walk alone in Central Park at 10 in the morning on a Sunday?" She said out of breath, which made me giggle.
"Umm..yeah?" I shrugged, knowing it was the wrong answer.
" Kira's going with you." She states as she heads over to Kira's room.
"But mom!" I whine. "In California, I could go out alone!"
"Because we lived in a safe neighborhood! But here, you'll probably get mugged if your alone. I just want to keep you safe." She walks over to me and kisses my forehead.
"Kira, it's been 20 minutes! You're going to a park with your little sister, you're not going on some fancy date!" I yelled as I banged on the door repeatedly. I kept hitting it hard until my arm hurt, I was actually afraid that I might break the thing. It finally opened and Kira came out not looking any different than before.
"Ready." She walks ahead of me and I follow.
"You took forever." I rolled my eyes.
"But at least I look good." Kira pointed out as we took the elevator to the lobby.
I scanned her up and down. She has got to be kidding me, she looked exactly the same from this morning. "Okay, definitely." I respond sarcastically.
I kept running until I lost Kira. She probably gave up on trying to find me and just called some friend or went home. I was walking down the street and saw a drama studio. I always wanted to become an actress, but I never gave it an actual shot. I was in a drama class during 6th grade and my teacher claimed that I had talent.
But Penny told me that I sucked and she took my place. Everyone forgot about my skills so I forgot about them too. Just like right now, with Jacob.
Friendly reminder: don't be friends with Penny, or else she'll just swoop in and take everything you care about.
I walked in and saw a whole bunch of people reading scripts, practicing lines, laughing, dressing up, etc. The place was huge but had about only 40 people.
I was looking around, a wide grin spread across my face. All these people looked so happy, it made me happy and excited as well.
A girl who seemed two years older than me walked up to me with a warm smile. "Hi." She greeted me with her hand out. I shook it and greeted her back. "My name's Nichole, my dad owns this place so I'm basically an assistant here. Do you need any help?"
"Actually, yeah. Do you sign up for this place or something? If you do, I'd like to join." I said in a happy tone.
"That's great to hear! But you need to be at least over 18 to sign up alone, do you have a parent or guardian with you?"
Shoot. I should've stuck with Kira since she's already 19.
"Can I call my sister? She's around here somewhere."
Nichole smiled at me. "Sure, do you wanna borrow a phone?"
I pulled my phone out, the one Jacob bought me months ago, and dialed in Kira's number. "It's alright, I have my own phone."
"'Kay, I'll be over there if you're still interested in signing up." Nichole pointed over to a stack of books in a corner. I flashed one last toothy grin.
"Of course." And I walked outside to call Kira.
okay so im gonna be doing a/n's after every chapter from now on since the book is almost finished :(
and wow. second update in one day? am i amazing or what.
i know how to end the book now and im really excited for you guys to read about it. also @ SilentPaths_1 is Nichole (i really hope you're still reading my story bc then that would be weird since you're in my story but aren't reading it)
thank you for requesting if you could be in the story bc that's what gave me the idea on how to end the story and i dont wanna say this but it's going to be a sad ending but its okay its okay we'll cry together
i dont exactly know how many more chapters there are to go
but remember to vote for your favorite chapters and comment all your predictions!! plz comment, i really wanna know how you guys think the story will end bc im excited, are you excited? no? just me? its cool.
if you guys have any questions, comment them and do you guys want me to do a Q&A for the characters?
i feel like that would be fun.
and how do you feel about Penny?? I think penny should go away and let jacob and abby be happy together.
okay, until next time !!

Goodbye || j.s. au
FanfictionEverything was going great for Abby. Until her best friend moved. School is back, her enemy since grade school is suddenly a fairy-god mother, there's a cocky boy that won't leave her alone, and to top it all off she's moving from California to New...