Chapter 1

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With one minute left in class, I grabbed my backpack and stood by the door. I was always one of the first ones out at the end of the day, I couldn't get out of this place fast enough. After what seemed like forever the bell finally rang and I swung the door open, walking out into the empty hallway.

As kids started filtering out of their classrooms, I turned up the volume on my headphones and raced upstairs. Normally I would be making a run for the exit, but today I was getting a ride home.

Callie was the first of my friends to get her license and even though she didn't have a car, she got to take her dad's to school every once and awhile which meant sometimes I scored a ride.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I turned down the hallway to meet Callie at her locker. I got there before her and leaned up against the metal door, my backpack slinging off my shoulder.

In my haste to get out of class, I forgot to zip my backpack up all the way. Before I knew it, the contents of my messy backpack were now making a mess on the ground. I made a mental note to kick myself as I bent down to pick them up. Me being the clumsy mess of a seventeen year old that I am, I tripped on my untied shoelaces and managed to kick a couple papers farther out of reach.

I hated to make a scene even though I'm sure no one was even paying attention. As I picked myself up off my knees to get the papers from the other side of the hallway, I saw him.

Him, the only boy in this god forsaken place that I found worthy of my affection; Bradley Walker.

I was very picky when it came to boys, I blame bands for setting my standards too high. I found very little boys at my school crush worthy, and they were all practically the same.They all dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same, after a while they all started to look the same. I mean yeah you had the few guys here and there that stood apart from the typical lacrosse player, but for the most part they were all the same.

But not Bradley Walker, oh no. He was different. He wasn't the most popular boy and most girls didn't appreciate him for what he's worth, but let me tell ya i've appreciated that boy since I was about twelve years old. Maybe I was appreciating him from a distance, but love is love. Bradley was a senior, a grade above me. Not only was he attractive, but something about him was different. Like he didn't care what anyone else thought or what was considered to be "normal" or "cool". Just by looking at him you could tell what he was about.

Before I knew it, Bradley Walker and some kid I'd never seen before were picking up my papers, and walking towards me.

I looked down at my outfit, a plain grey sweatshirt, ripped jean shorts and high top converse...Why did I have to look like a bum the day Bradley Walker is approaching me? I silently cursed myself for not putting on makeup.

"Jessie Monday" Bradley Walkers, I'm assuming friend, cockily read my name off of one of my math tests.

"Wait Monday, as in the day of the week?" Bradley questioned.

Before I had time to reply, his friend butt in.

"No Brad, Monday as in the season."

I laughed as Bradley hit his friend's shoulder.

"Oh shut up Michael I didn't know if she pronounced it differently."

I stood there dumbfounded. I'm an awkward person anyway, but stick Bradley Walker in front of me and I have lost all hope of socializing like a normal human being.

"Welll looks like math isn't your best subject Monday," the friend named Michael chuckled while handing me my papers. Bradley scoffed at his friend's remark.

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