Chapter 14

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Without even thinking about it, I ran all the way to Sam's house. I knew Callie was going over there today and lucky for me, it was close to the school.

I reached her front door and I knew I had to look like a mess.

When Sam answered I saw her face drop within seconds, after seeing her I couldn't stop the tears that formed in my eyes from falling down my face. She pulled me in and gave me a long hug while I cried. She called for Callie who came out and joined the hug. Neither asked what happened or why I was here, they just let me cry. After a few minutes we broke the hug and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. After cleaning the makeup off my face, I joined them both in Sam's room.

"You look like a runaway bride or something," Sam smiled, making me laugh.

I layed on Callie's lap and she played with my hair as I told them everything that happened, starting with the night Michael told me the plan because that was new information to Sam.

The third movie in our movie marathon just ended; we were curled up on Sam's bed watching all the 'Scream' movies. Sam let me shower and change into a t-shirt and pajama bottoms and we ate a lot of food.

After telling both Callie and Sam everything, I called my mom back who called me at least ten times, and asked her not to tell Bradley where I was. They were all at a graduation after party at Bradleys house but she said Bradley was asking about me.

Since the graduation was early, it ended around one in the afternoon so by the time I got to Sam's and watched three movies, it was around seven at night.

Just as we were about to pop in the next movie, my mom called again, telling me that they were on their way home but that I should stay the night at Sam's because she didn't doubt that Bradley would stop by looking for me.

This is why I loved my mom.

I asked Sam if it was alright if I stayed over and she said it was. I told my mom I loved her and would see her tomorrow morning and explain everything then.

After hanging up, we started the next movie and I soon fell asleep about halfway through.

What felt like not too long after, I was woken up by Callie gently pushing on my shoulder. When I sat up and looked at the clock, it was eleven. I guess I was out for a couple hours.

"What, what's wrong?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I was always grumpy after just waking up but after what they did for me I was sure to hold back a grumpy tone.

"Jess, Michael called your phone twice but we ignored it because we didn't know if you would want us to answer but then he left a message and I think you need to go see him," Callie said, speaking even faster than she usually does.

"And Luke has been texting me asking where you are but i've been ignoring him because I didn't think you wanted anyone to know."

I sat up so fast my head started to spin. I grabbed my phone that Sam was reaching out to me. After clicking the message Michael left, all I could make out was him crying and I knew he was drunk.

"What is he saying?" I asked, hopping out of Sam's bed.

"We have no clue, it sounds like he's outside," Sam said with a look of concern in her eyes.

I was putting on my converse that I thankfully had left at Sam's house a while ago and grabbed her car keys, "Can I take your jeep?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah of course, do you want us to go with you?" Sam asked, getting up.

"No, it's okay. I think Michael would be upset if I brought you guys. But can you have your phone by you in case I need anything?" I asked standing in the doorway, my heart was pounding.

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